

Talent Discovery
Chapter One


Talent refers to the latent ability and hidden potentials possessed by all mortals. It is a natural ability to do something well. It’s a skill you can exhibit with ease without any formal education. It is inborn not self – imposed by other men; though you can sharpen it through proper knowledge and mentorship. It all begins with a spark of idea in the mind of all men. I have encountered a throng of people who often complain to me that they have no talent; they argue that God seem to be partial because He bestows special abilities on some people while He leaves others with no touch of uniqueness. This is actually far from the truth. In fact, there is no untalented individual in God’s creation. Others would say something like: ‘Assuming I even believe you, I am too old to actually exhibit the talent within me’. To me, this is also a wrong believe, a mental flaw which needs to be corrected. Age is not a parameter for measuring capabilities; it doesn’t matter the number of years you’ve spent on this spherical planet; you can actually discover your talents, because it is then that you actually start living! Are you clueless about the latent abilities within you or ignorant about your hidden potentials? Then I think this book is specifically written to guide you. Many years ago; I was exactly in your state, devoid of knowledge about my true uniqueness; however, I didn’t remain at that level for long. I searched for the answers through ceaseless study and learning. Now, my eyes are widely opened, I have discovered the mines of gold hidden within me. I believe it won’t take you much time to discover yours too; all you need is the right information. This book in your hand actually serves that noble purpose. In it, you will learn about the secrets governing the discovery of talents; the measures you can use to develop your inward potentials as well as the steps to take to use those talents for God’s glory. All the principles I share in this book are simple, easily applicable, tested overtime and have proven to be very effective. I am fully convinced beyond every doubt that you will become a better person by the time you finish going through it. Before you flip to the next page; let me remind you that you’ve got some talents, which can distinguish you for exploits; you only need to see clearly and take away the veil on your mind!


While I was growing up, I observed a pattern that highlighted both folly and error; I realized that most of my friends wanted to be like other people at the expense of their own uniqueness, they all wanted to follow the crowd when there’s a chance to leave a trail. Most of them preferred to blend in with others instead of standing out for what is right. This, I believe is one of the reasons why most people find it very hard to discover their true self. Erica Jong once said; ‘everyone has talent, what’s rare is the courage to follow it to the dark places where it leads’. In this chapter, I will be revealing the secrets of finding your own uniqueness to you. During my years of study, I have realized that my self-confidence and self-image have something to do with talent discovery. If you have a wrong mental picture about who you are, it becomes very hard to exhibit your talents and uniqueness; so my focus for now is to tell you who you are; all I expect you to do is to dare to believe this truth that I share with you. If you will ever become what God intends for you, you must develop the power of right believing. If you believe the right things and live by them, your life will progress at the speed of light.
While Louis Pasteur was in school, one of his professors told him he was a mediocre, a dullard, a student who was good-for-nothing! However, he didn’t believe all these lies and self – limiting statements; what happened afterwards? He developed his passion in research and created solutions to many life-threatening diseases such as anthrax and tuberculosis; he even developed the process of pasteurization; winning a Nobel Prize in the process 1.
So many people are aware that the Disney Corporation is one of the most lucrative companies in existence, with high standards of quality and a never – ending stream of innovations. However, most people do not know that the founder of this great empire, Walt Disney was once fired from a newspaper job early in life because the owner said he ‘lacked imagination’. After a few failed businesses, Disney’s upbeat attitude was clearly what kept him going through the tough times. Once his first movie ‘Snow White’ premiered, the world loved it and the rest became history!
You too might have been bullied by other people who told you that you are a useless fellow; but does that tally with your true uniqueness? I don’t think so. God’s conclusion about your situation is different from man’s evaluation. So it doesn’t matter what people say about you, that is just their opinion not God’s conclusion about you! Therefore, choose to believe God’s verdict about you.

You Are Important
You are important, yeah, very important! There are many people on this spherical planet who are dying because they lack access to the stuff you are made of. You may consider your talent to be a ‘little ability’, maybe an artistic skill, an insightful idea, a creative ability, an outstanding finesse for sports, music or art; but I dare to say that what you possess is exactly what the world is looking for! The great scientists who solved many problems in this age didn’t come from Mars, neither do they lived in Jupiter! The Grammy Award winners were previously amateurs and inexperienced about music, yet through talent discovery, mentorship and adequate training, the lyrics of hope and melody found expression within their insightful minds.
Bruce Springsteen was one of the renowned artists of the 19th century. He sold over 60 million albums in the United States and over 120 million records worldwide; he was a winner of over 20 Grammy Awards; a member of the Hall of Fame for Rock and Roll Music and the Hall of Fame for Song Writers 2! Don’t be too marvelled by his achievement, he started out in life just like every common man. Do you know that the father of this great artist was a bus driver? In fact, his mother was the only breadwinner of the family. Springsteen only managed to finish college; his teachers bullied him saying ‘he always want to be alone with his guitar’. Some of his friends concluded that he had no future ambition! He dropped out of school but eventually became a point of reference in history. I do not undermine the importance of formal education; in fact, you need education so as to improve your talents; but the point I am making is that you’ve got to believe in your uniqueness before its rewards begin to come to you. Also, in your quest to pursue formal education, do not neglect your talents! If you do, you may finish school with good grades, get good jobs and earn an enviable pay check. But guess what? You will feel empty from within and unfulfilled if you fail to explore your talents and innate abilities.
If you think the world does not need your talents, then what are you doing here? You are actually contributing to the problem of overpopulation! I don’t care about your background or upbringing; whether you live in poverty or affluence; in fact, you may be naked and your shoes may have holes; still I believe that you have something great to offer to this spherical planet. The world and its people may try to ignore this fact; they may ridicule, scorn, hate and despise you; but one thing is very certain; they can’t do without you!

You Are Not Ordinary!
The next truth I want to reveal to you is that you are not ordinary! You are more than a body with two hands and legs moving everywhere; I think a robot can also serve that purpose! You carry the glory of God; you reflect His image; you’re a master piece of His ingenuity, you are the latest version of His creative ability! A lot of amazing talents and potentials have been deposited within you. Now, can I ask you a question? Have you ever done something that seemed normal and usual to you but easily gets the attention and compliments of other people? When people start to loud your praise and admire things that seem ordinary to you; then you need to remember that you aren’t ordinary! God’s glory is actually bringing men into your direction. Normally, there is nothing special in putting on a beautiful dress, but an attractive dress on the body of a potential model means a lot! If another person without that uniqueness puts on the same dress, she may not get the same level of appraisal.
Chen-Siyuan is a 24 year–old ambidextrous translator from China who has a remarkable ability to write with both hands, in two different languages, at the same time 3! She is a living proof of the resounding truth I’ve been driving into your mind. She is in no way ordinary, just like you.
Manjit Singh, called the ‘Iron Man’ holds thirty World Records including pulling a double decker bus with his hair and pulling a jet with his ears! That sounds too outlandish to believe but it’s actually true!
Joseph Pujol could imitate so many things including thunderstorms, musical instruments and animal calls through his farts! He is often called ‘Portrait of the Fartist 4!’ I couldn’t imagine a better profession for someone with that last name!
Bobby Badfingers is the world’s fastest snapper; he is a professional snappist who holds the world’s record for snapping 30 snaps a second, and also for having the world’s most ridiculous last name – Badfingers 5!
Have you heard about ‘Captain Frodo’; a contortionist in La Clique and an award – winning cabaret/variety show from Australia? He can squeeze his body through a tennis racket – strings removed 6. And guess what? He makes great faces while he does it.
Francisco Domingo Joaquim can stretch his mouth to almost 7 inches. In fact, his mouth is so large that it can fit an entire Coke can sideways. The 20 year-old from Angola is in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the world’s widest mouth 7.
Micky Gooch is a martial arts expert from the United Kingdom. He is a knuckle-buster with the strongest fingers in the world. He can do 17 push-ups using one finger on the head of a nail and holds the world record for doing 38 consecutive one finger push-ups 8!
Talents are easily discovered when we begin to appreciate and embrace the uniqueness that God gives us; when you believe you’re not ordinary; you will begin to look for the extra within you; that ‘extra’ factor when discovered will make you extraordinary!

You Are Blessed With Abilities
You are blessed divinely with amazing abilities. There are many things you can do easily but others find extremely hard to do. These same individuals also have their own uniqueness; there are a host of things that you struggle with but they can do perfectly. Some can sing, write, dance, drum, paint, swim or run. Others are creative craft men, public speakers, preachers, artists and designers. However, there may be certain factors which hinder us from recognizing these abilities and maximizing them. One of these factors is what I call ‘the greener pastures syndrome’. What this means is that we assume that the grass is only green at our neighbours vineyard; we conclude that we’ve got nothing to offer; that the only way we can attain true success is to do exactly what our friends do even though we lack the corresponding ability to do them. We tend to focus on the abilities that others possess while we neglect our own true uniqueness.
Can I shock you a bit? The grass is not greener at your neighbour’s field; behind the green colour you see is some manure! The person you are envying may be putting in enough effort towards maximizing his abilities and talents; he may be working extra hours or developing himself in some ways. Do you see these people when they practice and sacrifice heavily to improve themselves? Obviously no! So why are you envious of their outstanding performances?
Jim Carrey is an overly-enthusiastic and high-energy extraordinary comedian who fought against poverty before becoming a success. While he was in his early teens, his family became so poor that they resorted to living in a van. He even dropped out of school so as to help support his family. After years of going from comedy club to comedy club to do stand – ups, Carrey was finally recognized as a great comedic talent and he is now one of the biggest stars in the industry. When asked about the secret of his success, he made a very profound statement; ‘I just want to be myself’ 9. I think you too should strive to do the same!
I have seen people tell me stuffs like ‘how I wish I could write like you’. In response to their compliment, I appreciate their effort at recognizing my uniqueness; at the same time, I charge them to look inwardly to the abilities they possess. We all have a level of uniqueness in us; it’s not just in some of us, it’s in all of us!
Don’t be envious of the talents of others or try to compete with their strength in your own area of weakness; rather, try to appreciate the amazing abilities people have and know your own distinct strengths which make you unique and completely different from other people. When you strive to be yourself, other people will want to be like you. The question I expect you to start asking yourself from now is ‘What are my abilities? What strengths do I possess? What sets of talents do I have which can distinguish me easily from other people? What tasks do I perform well without any stress or headache? If you can provide the right answers to these questions then you’ve discovered your uniqueness; all you would then need to do is to focus on how to develop it.

You’re Created To Solve Problems
Quite a lot of folks live as if life is a movie rehearsal; whereas they are already acting! The stage is set and their audience are eagerly watching them, yet they are still messing up! Why do you think God created you? Do you think He just wants to experiment a new species of humans? I doubt it! God made you to be a problem solver! The first man, Adam was not created to be moving around the Garden of Eden aimlessly; God created him to be a ground – tiller. Do you know that Adam solved a major problem? He named all the animals! You may not be able to comprehend the extent of that mental work until you’re told to mention the names of over 1,000 different animals without repeating any name twice!
You are a solution packaged in flesh and blood! You’re made to be an answer to somebody’s prayer! You are a solution to every evolution of crisis. When God wants to answer the prayers of His people; He seldom comes down from heaven, rather, He sends men to earth with a solution mandate! Moses is the answer to the prayers of the Israelites in Egypt; Jesus is the solution to the plea of dying sinners and Bill Gates is the answer to the craving of mortals for modern technology; I believe you are getting the picture now!
When God coupled you, He gave you a problem to solve; then He gave you a tool which is your talent. Moses’ tool was his rod with which he performed amazing wonders; Jesus was strengthened by the Holy Spirit to do great exploits; Bill Gates’ tool is his intellect and programming prowess; you too have a tool designed by God for you to solve a specific problem! The tool of every writer is his pen; that of every musician is his musical instrument and voice; that of every philosopher is an inspired mind and that of every great painter is colors!

You Are Fearfully Made
You are fearfully and wonderfully made! The glory of the Lord is over your life. It is crystal clear that only those who believe in this truth actually have the first-hand experience of its magical power. You are a bundle of solution and treasures; it is just amazing what people can achieve when you make them believe in themselves. I know most of the things you hear around you are contradictory to what I am saying. The news tells you that the economy is bad; citizens blame the government for not rising to their needs; the government blames the people for their impatience and gullibility; words of assault and ridicule are fired at you like an arrow; yet I boldly declare that you are fearfully made! You’re a wonder on two feet approaching the realm of manifestation. I don’t care what your parents, siblings, co-workers and friends say about you. I am majorly concerned about what God says and I can fight for that with my last breathe! God says you are full of wonders! You are the latest version of His creative ability! You carry what He carries, His breathe is within you, you are a partaker of His amazing glory, splendour and blessings! How then can you say you are an ordinary person? How can you declare that you are short of potentials? You are what God says you are dear friend; fearfully and wonderfully made!
I am glad to inform you that the worth you carry is far more than what the eyes of men can see. You are more valuable than silver and gold. You may look poor, but your mind is full of inspired ideas; people may deride and despise you because of your appearance and upbringing; but that’s not all you’ve got! You are more than what people say about you! Men will always have various opinions about you from time to time; they may even try to predict your future based on what they see around you; but you should not follow their path of folly and ignorance. You need to know your worth! You see, if a king does not know his worth, he will eat crumbs and a slave will eat his bread!
There are many people with great and amazing talents who never dared to explore the latent abilities within them because of what people would say! They never knew how powerful they were; they were as strong as steel; yet they complained of weaknesses; they were as wise as a serpent yet they acted in folly. You need to understand a major truth today; nobody can actually estimate your worth! Only God can!

No One Can Beat Your Strength
One of the greatest mistakes people make is that they try to compete with others’ strength at their own area of weakness. No matter how skilful you are at swimming, you can never beat a fish; neither can you compete with an eagle at flying and win; you’re simply not cut out for swimming or flying. You may try to adapt to such environment for a while, but you can’t thrive for long if you do.

Written By Gabriel Olakunle


The Scribes