

"Mum is dad gonna be fine?", I asked my mother in tears. " I don't know Mellisa. We just have to keep praying for him." Just as my mother had given me a little hope, the doctor walked in on us. "Hello there, are you Mrs. Hunters?" My mother nodded in affirmation. The look on the doctor's face said everything, I just wasn't ready to hear it yet. "Is my husband alright, doc?" My mum asked in desperation. He was silent and my heart kept beating faster. "I'm sorry ma'am, we did everything we could." My mother held me so tightly. Our world came tumbling down. My dad is finally gone. We are alone in this world, my mother and I.
Losing my father so suddenly was devastating. He was diagnosed with diabetes about 4years ago. But he never followed up on his scheduled doctor appointments. He refused to heed to the doctor's advice about his diet and exercise. He always said he's got his condition under his own control. But I don't think he realized how serious his condition was until it was too late. Things got a lot worse after my father's burial.
My mother and I found out that my dad had a secret gambling problem and was almost a million dollars in debt. Mum trusted him with our finances so you can imagine the shock the news gave her, not only had she lost her husband but also everything. The mansion, the cars all gone within a blink of an eye. She was a full time housewife since dad did not allow her to work. He always said he made a lot of money so mum had to just stay at home and look after me. With dad's massive debts and mum not working now, we had to leave our home. The only home i know for 13 years.
Thankfully, my mother's half sister; Aunt Gina let us move in with her and her two daughters; Christine and Belinda. Christine was a year older than me and Belinda was just eight. Christine and I grew very close. She was a bit of a rebel but I secretly admired her. Despite the loss and struggles my family went through, I managed to graduate from high school and earned a scholarship to college. In my cousin's opinion, having a small get together at home to celebrate my accomplishments wasn't enough. Being the rebel, she managed to convince me into crashing a bunch of graduation parties. Including the one where I unfortunately met him. I was a little wasted moving my body to the tune of the music when I bumped into him. He was such a breath of fresh air. Tall, extremely handsome and those muscular arms with the eagle tattoo on it. I was drooling already. And then he smiled at me, I wondered if it was real. "George " he stretched his hand for a handshake. "Pardon" I feigned ignorance but I wanted to pounced on him like a hungry lioness. "My name is George." He shook his head. I completely forgot that he has been stretching his hand for a while now. "Sorry.....my name is Mellisa " I finally gave into his handshake. He was incredibly charming and I just couldn't stop stealing glances at him. We enjoyed each other's company for a while. He had me hook from the very first start. He asked me to be his girlfriend from the very first start. He asked me to be his girlfriend the very same night we met. Even though I wanted to further my education and wasn't ready for a relationship, I eagerly accepted.
I later found out that he was filthy rich. It turned out his father is the CEO of the company my late father worked for. His mum was a successful lawyer. She also owned a charity organization. He never stopped showering me with expensive gifts and luxurious vacations. He even bought me my first car and taught me how to drive. And during those times that I missed my dad, he was always there for me. He gave me his shoulders to cry on and we'd visit my dad together. He was even willing to go on the journey of celibacy with me; no sex till marriage. He showed me so much love and affection. I truly thought in my heart that he was the one. The first year of our relationship was perfect. After a year.......... things got a little rough for us.
He started picking unnecessary fights with me on daily basis. Sometimes he accused me of being too friendly with other guys or something as petty as taking too long to reply his texts. When things got really heated between us, he'd threaten to breakup with me.
I got fed up with those threats that I decided to give in. But he never left me anyway instead he'd run to my mother to complain. He'd lie to my mum and she'd also believe him without hearing my side of the story. When in reality he's been the cause of majority of our fights. The most surprising part of it all was my mum always taking his side. She never stopped reminding me of the things that George had done for me. "Melissa get a hold of yourself, drop that stinking pride of yours and apologize to George. He's your ticket to having a stable and financially sound future." she would yell at me. It hurt so much hearing that come from my very own mother. At the end of the day, I always had to give in and apologized. And that became a daily routine for us and I was getting fed up with that.
Things got from bad to worse when he made it his habit to spy on me. He was always spying on me at the mall, supermarket, restaurant, even at the spa. That psycho boyfriend of mine was always lurking around. Then when I visited him at home, he'd pressure me into sleeping with him meanwhile I wasn't ready yet. Besides he promised to go on the celibacy journey with me. I don't know whether he thought the expensive gifts he gave me, the vacations we went and our relationship title gave him the right to claim something as precious as my virginity, the he thought wrong. He started calling me selfish and even accused me of cheating. He said me being a virgin was a lie and I had made that up. He said a lot of horrible things to me but I wasn't gonna apologize for choosing to wait. He can go to hell for all i care. I wanted to experience the ultimate level of intimacy with someone who I felt loved me, someone who'd always be there for me and would not give up on me, someone I can share my dream with and not with someone who thinks they can just buy my heart. I refused to be treated like trash.
Despite the challenges in our relationship, we managed to stay together for two whole years. I was just about to discover something that was going to shatter me forever........
Well that was me telling you about my past because this is my present now and it's my birthday today. I woke up to a note on my bedside from mum "happy birthday Angel..Off to work" A lot has happened, mum owns a coffee shop now and she has a man now. I hardly see her these days and we moved out of Aunty Gina's place. I'm used to mum not being here. I checked my phone and no birthday message from George. I remember reminding him last week. I tried calling his line and it kept going straight to voice-mail "HI! this is George, please leave a message. I was getting bored already, I had remind him of today. I'll just text him instead "George please lemme hear from you ASAP." I waited for a while but there was still no reply from him. "Maybe he's just busy" I thought to myself. " Happy birthday my sweet cousin" Christine had to startle me today of all days too. "Thanks but I don't appreciate your barging in on me" i made my way to the bathroom. " That's not how to welcome a bestfriend and a cousin who you haven't seen for a month" i felt her roll her eyes. Don't ask how I did it because I know that girl well."So where's George taking you today?" she asked sarcastically "I have no idea because he's not called yet" I came out of the bathroom trying to dry my hair. "Is he even serious? Today is your birthday, hunny and he has to make the day special for you." she gave me a suspicious look. "Are you guys having problems again?" "Well every relationship has its troubles though. But believe me George and I haven't argued in a month. Besides he's been busy nowadays and today is no special." I just had to defend him. "Lisa today is a Saturday remember? Who's too busy to take time on a weekend to wish his girlfriend a happy birthday?" she retorted while helping me comb my hair. "The day has just begun, cousin." I smiled at her. "Fine, till then lemme take you out, bills on me" she winked. "I actually like the sound of that" I quickly put on my clothe and we stomped out. It's my birthday after all.
We drove around town for hours moving from places to places, from the cosmetic shop to supermarket to the boutique to the restaurant and we finally ended up at the spa. The spa was the perfect ending to our long day. I was so thankful to Christine for taking me out. "This is actually more fun than I thought. It's made me forget about George ignoring me for the whole day.",I blurted. "I know right ",we both burst into laughter. "His loss anyway because I planned on us finally doing it tonight " I saw the confused look on her face "Planning of doing what tonight?" i winked at her " No way Lisa, you still a virgin after 2 years of being in a relationship?" I nodded " mmm..hmm". She had her eyes wide opened, " but are you ready for it yet?" she sounded concerned. "Why not? we've been together for 2years and haven't argued for a month. Isn't that reason enough?" we made our way to the poolside. "Well just becareful, you never know. Enough of him though. Let's just have fun" we both jumped into the pool splashing water on a lady near by. "You girls sure don't have manners. You just ruined my hair and makeup that my baby spent a fortune to do. Immature little girls" She quickly left without giving us a chance to apologize. "Her baby should have spent a fortune fixing that fake butt of hers." Christine whispered in my making me giggle. It was time to leave and hit the club.
"Well my ex worked at this club as a bartender and it's just two blocks from here. We can just leave the car here and walk there." my cousin suggested and I just agreed to it. My phone beeped and it was just a message from my so called boyfriend. "Sorry babe, was just helping dad run some errands. Will make it up to you" I just had no need for that message anyway. I just wanna get wasted tonight. When we got to the entrance of the club, there were so many people waiting in a queue to club. Christine decided to call Jones her ex. I spotted the rude missy from the spa with a guy I thought I recognized with the tattoo on his arm. I can never forget that stature making out with the rude missy ..........George.

To be continued