

Confidence is being sure of your self, arrogance is thinking too highly of yourself!
What is arrogance:

Arrogant behavior refers to a demeanor attitude characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance, superiority and entitlement.

It involves displaying a lack of humility and respect towards others, often accompanied by an inflated ego and a tendency to belittle the ideas, or achievements of others.

Arrogant individuals may exhibit condescending behavior, interrupt or talk over others, and demonstrate a disregard for different perspectives.

Open minded people usually are not arrogant, because they posses the skill of being able to listen, explore and even accept new ideas and new views over the world.

Arrogant individuals on the other hand can hinder effective communication, create a negative atmosphere, and strain relationships.

It is important to note that confidence and arrogance are distinct concepts, with confidence being a positive trait rooted in self-assurance and belief in one’s abilities, while arrogance is a negative behavior that stems from an inflated sense of self-worth.

It is very common to confuse these two, but it is imperative for us all be able to identify the difference. So, the logical question pops up. How can somebody avoid being arrogant?

to be continued...
© Nasia Torress