

Unconditional Love Of A Mom
Anesha sitting beside a window in her dark room. she stared at the Moon through the window and having her own assumption about her bairn who is going stepout to this world in few days. Anesha who feels very happy that soon she is going to be a mom but the otherside she is worrying and keep praying to God that she wants to bear a normal, healthy bairn but not like her. All of her assumptions made Anesha's heart as a bulgy one with full of pain. She has so many unanswered questions in her which she wants to quest. "Why did I born in this world?"
"Why God has created me with this disability?"
"Do people with disorder are not legible to live their life with happiness?"
"Is this happening only to me or for everyone who are like me?" Anesha asked all these questions in herself.
It's Harry who entered into the room and sighed to Anesha that he is back from his office trip.
Anesha didn't response well to Harry who always remains as everything to her. Harry guessed what would have happen to her by looking up to Anesha's gesture and by her withered face.
What happened to you my baby? asked Harry by holding her hands.
Anesha hugged Harry and tears out as her immediate reply.
"Don't worry my dear, everything will be fine", Harry consoled her by wiping out her tears.
She nodded with a smile.
"Come, let's have our supper" said Harry.
"I don't feel to eat dear, let me spend some times alone." replied Anesha by her sign language.
He kissed on her forehead and left the room. Anesha moved towards her writing table, took her seat and opened a diary. She placed her hand on her womb, had a look on it. She started to write to flush out her pains.
My dear baby,
I don't know whether you would be a boy or girl child, I just want to convey by this letter to you that how much I love you and care for you.
My dear,
Your mom is not a like other moms. Yes, I am a disabled mom. I had overcome so many obstacles in my life so far, but I don't know how I am going to be hereafter. I am an unlucky mom in the world that I can't hear my own child's first cry, the first word that you utter and the most painful thing is that I can never hear the word when you call me. I can bear all these but I can't live anymore if you regret me for my disability. My dear, you are going to my soul and everything and I want to fetch your love till my end. I hope you would so. Waiting for the moment, when I am going to uphold you in my hand and that would be the best gift and moment of my life which God is going to give me with his blessings.

with unconditional love,
Your Mom.

"Uhhh...Harry.... it's paining too" shouted Anesha with pain which get started as she completed the letter. It's Harry rushed up to upstairs and took Anesha to hospital.
Anesha who closed her eyes with full of hope and dreams when the doctors started operate her. After sometimes, it's Harry who heard the sound, first cry of his child as he weeped and smiled which made him to feel as a complete man. Anesha overlooked her child and started to tear out with happiness.
" Your pains are turned into a precious one my dear" said Harry as he entered into the room and kissed on Anesha's head with full of joy and love. "You two are my world" expressed Anesha as she leaned on Harry's shoulder.

Nandhini Suresh
© My Scribblings