

A door to Nightmares
A little further from the immaculate creamy floors, An abandoned archive lies open to human reach, a home for crimson bloody walls, grimy floors and despicable spider webs.

Silence was the only source that came from it until today.

Creaking doors invades my senses as curiosity grows, my footsteps become closer to what has refrained me. Click-Clacking away from the provision of ease, desolating it.

My anxiety grew but curiosity won as a pair of sweaty palms reached towards the dusty door, cracking the door wide as rotten flesh and perspiration entered my lungs. Ears rang again as whispers were heard, a call that came.

My stomach rises up to its peak about to be bursted, choking on my heavy breaths. My greenish eyes wandered an eerie peeking door that can possess garments of its own.

Whispers of its calls rang again, clomping closer and closer, the door that leads to nightmares and curiosities, banged closed. Panic and heartbeats grew as my trembling pale hands took the turn to the ghoulish closet, clicking it broad.

A crimson eye as lush red tears lachrymates towards its mucky white clothes, horrified.

A Scream erupts from my slimy mouth as its fangs dig into my bare stomach. Blood shed, my terrifying eyes witnessed as it munches my veins and flesh as blood oozes out, it slowly reaches my visage, a gasp evaporates from my lungs, biting, munching, my nose reaching my blurring visions, longs fangs, sizzling and crunching my eyeballs out, biting my lips.

Tiredness and weakness entered my leftover bodies and tears from my non-existence eyes, feeling it gulp my hearts and lungs, my exhaustion took the turn away from earth.

© Waverywaves