

Sarlene Williams
Sarlene Williams was born in Houston Texas on March 4 1897 she is married to Arthur Williams (Husband Deceased) she is the mother of eight children Frank Williams (Son Deceased) Libby Montelone (Daughter) June Milton (Daughter) Harriet Carter (Daughter) Va’Tarria Lone (Daughter Deceased) Benjamin Williams (Son Deceased) Philemon Williams (Son Deceased) Oraphean Williams (Son Deceased) and she is the the grandmother of Abilene Milton Jackson (Granddaughter) James Milton Jr. (Grandson) Sarlene was a tough loving caring hardworking woman. She can boast about things in a positive way sometimes she can complain about her brothers Hitler and Venard about things because he and Hitler usually lives with her and her family and they sometimes eats up all the food up from the children Sarlene and Arthur will fuss at Venard and Hitler both for doing that. Sarlene was very happy to raise all of her eight children during the Great Depression during the Great Depression Sarlene worked very hard to keep her family alive she didn’t have no time to make friends she didn’t want to make any friends her passion and her life was about her family and GOD only. During the Great Depression it was a lots of work Arthur would be sick in the house Sarlene’s brothers will be in the house doing nothing but talking to each other and Sarlene does all the work around the house Sarlene was born on March 4 1897 that’s when William McKinley became president. Sarlene and her family were very poor they had to fight hard to save their food up so they won’t run out it was very tough, and not so easy for all eight children growing up. Sarlene was born on March 4 1897 and died on October 21 1953 she was 56 years old.

Family Maddie Graham (Mother Deceased)
Albert Graham (Father Deceased)
Hitler Graham (Brother Deceased)
Archie Graham (Brother Deceased)
Venard Graham (Brother Deceased)
Clarence Graham (Brother Deceased)
Arthur Williams (Husband Deceased)
Frank Williams (Son Deceased)
Libby Montelone (Daughter)
Va’Tarria Lone (Daughter Deceased)
June Milton (Daughter)
Harriet Carter (Daughter)
Benjamin Williams (Son Deceased)
Oraphean Williams (Son Deceased)
Philemon Williams (Son Deceased)
Abilene Milton Jackson (Granddaughter)
James Milton Jr. (Grandson)

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