

i still love you.
I have so many what ifs, scenarios in my head. About you, me, and us. Questions like, what would I do if I see you again? If we ever meet again? What would I say? What would you do?

Will I still feel the happiness that I felt when I first saw you at the cafe? Will I still feel the same? Will I still recognise it as love?

I looked away instantly as my heart was racing. I was just so happy and nervous that I couldn't even look at you.

If I knew, things were going to end up to where we are now, I wish I approached you and directly looked you in the eyes, and gave you a hug telling you I was so happy that I met you. I was so worried, shy, and I felt like I was going to do too much.

Looking back, I barely did anything to prove to you, how much you meant to me. I wish I was braver through actions. If the outcome was going to be the same, I wish I have done more.

It is so hard to let go when I know that if I turn the page of my story, a new chapter will begin and I have to start over without you in it.

I may be in full control of my life, but if I decide to keep on chasing you, the story will still end up to where we are now.

I can feel that the universe itself, is forcing me to write another chapter. I guess, I really can't do anything for you to be in it. Unless you decide to step forward, take my pen, and write the story with me.

I wish you would. I know you too well, that you are also busy writing your own. Just like me, and everyone else, you are seeking for your story to unfold.
© cece