

a thought ruined life
once up on a time there was a boy .named David he lived in new York he had a sister who was older than him David studied in class 6 and his sister studie in class 9 David was very naughty one day the day was friday he didn't go to school pretending to be sick his mom and dad both work different place hi got a thought that he stole money and the money is 10 to 100 rupee he still 500 rupee from house and he had fun with the same money and his parents got upset where did the money go his mother felt that someone still the
money otherwise the money will disappear from home like this

after that still money his parents did not say anything to him so after he started getting more big thought in his mind😏 he thought that he killed his 👭 sister on will be left in home and he will be the beloved of his parents then he make a plan his plan is ready now the plan is start his parents was very happy today David: mom let me make dinner today he made everyone favorite food her sister favorite food is cobb salat and hi mother 👩 favorite was jerky and his father favorite food is fajitas . cooking 🍲is complete he add secretly desease syrup to his sister food

everyone sleep after eating and sawher effect early in morning her sister...