

Flaws of Magical Education
[I'm a new here and this is my first post so please tell me what you think. (。・ω・。)]

OK, so this magical education thing is very tempting. I mean, if you have read Harry Potter, don't you want to see an owl delivering your Hogwarts acceptance letter at your doorstep?

I always imagine myself sitting in the gryffindor common room... having magic homework... right?

But there is some things I always wonder. Today, I will share those things with you.


1) Don't they get embarrassed?

Kids start at Hogwarts when they are around 11. Which grade class are they in when they are 10?
Yes, they are in 4-5 grade.
So for example, we learn algebra and stuff in those grades. Wizards live in muggle colonies right?
Imagine Harry living with the Dursleys with no Dudley, and being treated humanly. Surely, when he would return from Hogwarts, he would play with the neighborhood kids? What will happen if they say “You don't LIVE here, do you? You live in a hostel right? My parents say that they study better there. Can you help me with this algebra?” Imagine that this kid was 10 and Harry is 14 and not having any idea of what 2+x=4 is?

2) Slipping things into food are not regarded bad.

Think about this one-

•Harry slipping felix felicis in Ron's drink. (He was pretending to but even if he wasn't pretending it wouldn't be regarded bad)

•Romilda Vane trying to slip love potion in Harry's chocolates.( Which slipped into Ron instead)

The teachers aren't saying anything to them? (Ahem, professor Slughorn?)

Slipping drinks like that is almost like the imperius curse. You control them to love you etc etc.

3) Prefects have the power to put students in detention and take points?

Ok, prefects should be there. Of course they should.

But the thing is, how can they have so much authority over others? Taking points and putting others in detention? Children hold grudges against others, and that is natural. But there is no reason some good students can turn the grudges into detention?
Just read these lines -

“Oh, and there is this mudblood. I guess I will take 50 points for that. And 50 for Weasley because I don't like you.”

-Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by JK. Rowling.

He doesn't like them, OK.
But the teachers are giving them permission to take the grudges out and turn them into something else.

4) Hogwarts is SO safe (NOT)

Schools are supposed to be safe and good places for students to learn. This should have been Dumbledore's speech at the start of the year.

“...This is a very safe place for you all to learn. But... There's a giant three headed dog here.... And a basilisk is lurking around the school...And a tree which can rip you to pieces... And also giant spiders... ”


Isn't that true?

5) Teachers.

Ok, Umbridge has said something true.

“...known to appoint dangerous teachers...”

1) Quirrel
2) Lockhart
3) A person being good but actually being a death eater.

Alright, how was Dumbledore supposed to know who good is and who is bad?
Right! But still, it is not safe, is it? Why will parents send their kids to such a place???

OoF! This is the end, but I would like to say some more things.

Although these, I would give anything to be in Hogwarts. These are things I just wonder sometimes. I also wonder why people never wrote something like this. I'm wondering, “Didn't someone think this before me?”

Also, I just turned 13 and think of a lot more stuff than this. I never found answers to those. I will soon write loads and entertain you all. Thank you so much for reading! Love y'all❤💛! Bye 👋