

Good in Bad
After a long day of studying in my room and thoughts of when and how i will find a job, i went out to have some fresh air and take some snacks, so that i can come continue with my studies. Upon going outside, i found a friend standing and starring at a man who aas lying down, because he had been hit by a car. The man lying down was old and people who knew him were labelling him a wizard, that he was evil. They were happy that he had been hit by a car and that he was going to die.
I got the last money i had in my pocket, got a taxi and took the man to the nearest clinic so as to get medical attention.
A week late, i went to see him so as to check how his condition was.
upon arriving, the man had recovered, was out of the hospital, standing outside waiting for me. Before i reached the hospital, he saw me at a distance and came to meet and thank me for what i had done.
I responded by saying, if i was in this condition, i would have needed such help...
He invited me to his home. we reached the place. The man had a very nice and attractive house. he invited me inside and started encouraging me.
He said to me. " young man always remember where you come from and be who you are no matter the situation". "Do not let anyone define you, but define yourself".
As i was about to go out, he gave told me about his nephew who had a company and needed someone to work for him. The old man gave me his nephew's line and told me to call him so that i can start working. I was too exited to even thank him, it was a miracle. I went home, got on my knees to thank God.

Always know that sometimes good can come out of what people think is bad. Be wise🤗🤗