

The genuineness of a child.
Being tossed up by a parent, a toddler cannot scream but smile, wearing a genuine smile for it has hope in the parent; that he won't let go. Such a true smile that undress the fake from the real and help power the inner energy.

Unfortunately, the world is overwhelming invaded by fake smiles-"Plastic Smiles"they call it.
This plastic smiles is every where; with our spouses, children, siblings, parents, kins and friends as it results from hopelessness, and greed thus it is literally dressed up by people who have lost hope in every thing in this world. They pretend to give you a push over the hill, and yet they have a noose for your trap.
The same reasons why good people's dreams are crushed at conception.

Why do the people who loved us most as toddler wear fake smiles in our adult life? Greed for selfish accumulation and glory makes people prey on others. Wish we can all have the genuineness of a child, only then the world would have been a better place for all and lack would have been a fairly tale.
© Geoffrey K