

The Caged Peacock - Beauty lies within. Episode 1
I grew up to be a strong, elegant and responsible young lady as my parents brought me up. They trained be to stay calm, be generous and always be myself no matter what. At my young days, It used to be funny and strange "be yourself", what does that really means? Ofcourse I am me and I can never be someone else. I never knew the statement really meant untill when I started to face problems at school.

I was a girl from a satisfying family. Although not rich, but they try anything possible to provide what is necessary. My dad was a secondary school teacher while my mom was a trader. Things went well as I and my brother were raised happily taught with good morals and behaviors. We were known to go to school and then home. My brother was a lively, cheerful and nice boy while I was a bookwarm and reserved. I don't have friends, all I had was my laptop and my diary. Sometimes I do play with my brother and joke around. He would call me a nerd, I would have nothing to say because he was somehow right.

All I would do is to just write books, poems, sing and listen to music. I read lot of books because I had no other friend other than my books. I was a very curious and inquisitive girl who was aspiring to study medicine as a course in the university. I engaged in different kinds of research that has to do with sciences. I would lie to my parents that I had assignments and needed data. So they would buy data and I would finish it on research. I tried my possible best to be informed on the basic branches of science as I believed "science is life". My parents never served as obstacles in my way instead, my helping hands.

I was a primary graduate, just admitted into a private secondary school in my state. It was all I wanted was to be in a good secondary school that would build me. I was an excellent student in my primary school as I graduated as the Second best student in my primary school and as the assistant headgirl. I never knew what leadership was all about at that moment, the glory and pride was what i was interested in. I would enjoy ordering my juniors around and punishing them whenever they commit any offence. Moving around from class to class majestically with well-ironed school uniform, washed canvas and a prefect tag was all I enjoyed doing...........
To be continued...
© Dr Khushi