


Clovie parker :
so clovie is the main character in story. Why ? You will see in story She study in ### university as a junior student .she don't like to be the source of attention for people so she prefers to act cold . She is good at everything but don't show off her talents. She has one bestie Rachel her childhood best friend. Having too much talents and beautiful appearance she is also the heartthrob of the university that cause her to become the source of attention but she trys to avoid it by being cold actually she is not that cold to whom she is close or she loves and she is 17 years old is going to be 18 in 5 days

Lucas parker:
Clovie's big brother is also a talented kid he also study in the same university as clovie he is a senior student in there and the heartthrob of university but people in university doesn't know clovie is his sister so they started to ship them both together . He loves his family and especially his sister . Is 19 years old and he has a big crush on Rachel
Harley parker:
Clovie's mom is a bit overprotective towards clovie . Loves her children soo much has a dark secret .which you will see in story.

Mark parker:
Clovie's dad he loves his children is a CEO of a big company so they are rich. Also has a dark secret.

And other characters you will know in the story


I woke up feeling someone yelling my name like a donkey and I exactly know who this is
Lucas : wake up Clove ~ shout ~
( he calls me clove for short)
Clovie: let me sleep go away you brat
Lucas: just wake up before I kick your lazy ass
Clovie: ok fine now go
( this is my daily routine getting awake by my brother and going to that university which is like a hell to me then I go to take bath and other things)

Time Skip ~~

( I completed what I wanted to do and then went downstairs for breakfast )
Clovie: Good morning everyone.
Everyone: Good Morning dear clovie.
Clovie: mom I am going
Mom: have a little breakfast clovie
Clovie: No mom I have to go
( and saying that I went out of the house I finally reach the school and every student was looking at me well why not I am the heartthrob so they are gonna look and I see my bestie waving her hand and I ran to her)

Rachel: what took you sooo long to come.
Clovie: shut up bitch I am not late you just come soooo early because your house is near school ( I said rolling my eyes)
Rachel: I am just fast than my lazy bestie .
Clovie: do I look lazy to you ( I said pointing to myself and raising my eyebrows)
Rachel: is that even a question yes you are a lazy bitch .
( we were arguing in a friendly way when we heard crowd going wild when we look we saw two boys standing there like they own this school we just waited there seeing what will happen next)

( soon my brother reach school and the crowd started to go towards him and the two boys standing there alone there faces look like they are gonna cry and yes we don't care whoever they are so we just left them there and enter the university and go to our locker because soon the class was gonna start we reach our class and sit next to each other after some time teacher enter with that two boys and said them to introduce themselves)
???: hi my name is Alison. Hope we can be friends.
???: hi my name is ummm Jack
( that was so confusing who will forget his/ she 's own FUCKING name it was getting suspicious for me )


( I notice clovie zoom out so I decided to shake her and ask what is the problem I started shaking her and calling her name slowly soon she came back to her senses)
Rachel : hey clovie hey clovie back to earth clovie.
Clovie: huh! What happened
Rachel: nothing you just got zoom out
Clovie: oh ok

Time Skip ~~~~~

Lunch Time ~~~~~

( we were sitting enjoying our lunch but after some time I feel someone's staring at us so I ask Rachel if i can go to washroom and when I started going I feel that someone following me and me being tough and cold I let it be but I was not going to wash room I was going to the empty class as soon as I enter I hid behind the wall of the front door of that class and when that someone enter I grab that someone from neck spin and bang that he/she head on the table that someone was wearing a hoodie I removed it and saw ............

( stay tuned for part two of this story)

© nirjala lobhi