

Haunted Hotel Chapter 1
(The names are fake in this story)
The characters in the story
John- My younger brother
Sara- My Elder sister
Alice- Me
Mrs Otis- My Mother
Mr Otis- My Father
Mr Abraham- Hotel 's Owner

My Family and I decided to go to picnic in France because we got winter break from school. I was pretty excited to go there because it was my first time to go to a foreign country. I am living in USA. Sara didn't wanted to go to France because she has been there many times with her friends. John was excited like me.

Once we reached France, we took our luggage and went to our hotel. But I saw a strange thing in our hotel. There were only few lights there. We literally had to use torch to go to our room. Ones we reached our room. Our tube light got dimmer and dimmer and finally it went out. We called our Hotel Manager from the telephone and we saw that there was no electricity in the huge hotel. My Dad had to go walking to Manager with the torch.

John was getting bored because he thought that this vacation would be the best one. I thought the same!.So my Mother told me that tomorrow we are going out for a walk. So we got happy hearing that.
At night it was raining heavily. I was getting scared a little but I was enjoying too!. I wanted to go to washroom so I just woke up. I thought someone was making sound in the hotel's corridor. So I was seeing in the peep hole that who is there.

I saw a lady scratching the door of my room. I locked the door and woke up my parents. So Sara told to just open the door and see .But I told her 'No' because I was very scared to open it. John was still sleeping because he is lazy. So we woke up John and told him To pack his bag because my parents told that we are going to Leave from here. So we packed are bag at midnight and were ready to go. But the thing was that our door was not opening because when I locked the door so the lock got jammed

Hope you liked it!
Chapter 2 will come soon!