

Dating Him
Chapter 1

I draged one box and he the other.His car was parked outside the airport.We were both so happy to see each other again.Few minutes later, we we arrived "Special Guest Hotel".Nice building indeed.
He inserted a card and the door opened.
Then we put the bags down.
He grabbed me and gave me a long kiss.
''Daddy let me have a shower first please...''
"No sweetheart I want you just now..."
I pleaded and he let me go .
His eyes where bright and he was smiling at me from the bed.
I rushed to bathroom naked,opened the show and felt it warm.Just my taste.
Before I could finish my shower I felt some solid hands all over my wet skin.He turned me around and under that shower omg he made me feel heaven .I screamed like a baby.The pleasure was supernatural.We both had a bath after that brief introduction and our eyes could not quit each other.We were laughing out loud like two mad people on the streets.
Then out of the bath,we dried up to bed.
The kisses won't stop till morning.
I can't believe this is happening to me just now.
I'm madly in love and I'm scared.

© Abigail Ekangouo