

The influence of Love
The influence of Love
I don't want to lie when I say love is a beautiful
thing but too much can be chaos.This story takes me back to my high school days when love was in the air and it was aĺl I could breath.

Chapter 1
My name is Ruva a brown skinned Zimbabwean 18 year old lady who thought she knew the world .I lived with my parents in Westgate Harare and am the only child in my family.This is the story of how love influenced me as a teenager.

It was a beautiful afternoon when I was going home from school ,the streets of Harare were busy as always .The sound of car horns echoed in my ears and the smell of smoke disturbed my nose.My royal blue skirt moving with the breeze as I walked alone to the bus terminus.This day was not an ordinary one indeed as the atmosphere had a sudden change.As I was passing by Jameson hotel a white Toyota hilux stopped in front of me.I was about to turn to my left when suddenly a tall ,light skinned handsome man came out looking like a celebrity .I was lost in my fantasy he looked like a prince his physique was that of an athlete even the suit complimented his body.I even lost my senses that moment even my name I couldn't remember.The way my heart made a dance I thought I was dying.I came around when I noticed that I could smell a luxurious scent and I was inside the car.

Chapter 2
'What am I doing here I asked the guy as he stared at me with his sparkling brown eyes.'He didn't say anything but held me in a tight embrace and I felt safe in his strong arms.I don't know how I fell asleep I was woken up by the touch of a warm hand on my cheek.As I looked outside the tinted windows I noticed that I was near my home gate.He then gave me a business card which had his name on it that's when I knew that his name was Ryan.I got out of the car and entered through our black gate.In my mind I was wondering how he knew where I lived.

Chapter 3
I got home and started preparing for supper since my mother and father were at work.After eating I went to sleep as I was ready for the next day.I learnt at Queen Elizabeth so I was an A level student so I had few lessons and I studied Arts as a major.When I was going out of the gate I noticed the same car from yesterday I don't know why I went to it instead of going home.To tell you the truth it's like the man had magnet because I couldn't resist the force of going to him.As I got in the car he handed me a bag which had a beautiful violet dress inside .He parked his car at the Jameson Hotel entrance and told me to follow him God knows why I couldn't refuse.

Chapter 4
We got inside his room and he showed me the bathroom where I changed into the dress.I couldn't believe how nicely fit the dress was and the way it was designed for my hips one would thing it was tailored just for me.
I saw the young bachelor's eyes fixed on me and I knew that my body was mesmerizing to him.He also gave me a pair of silver heels that fitted perfectly and looked expensive. I styled my braids nicely and wore my silver earrings looked like a Hollywood star ,one would think I was going to the Premiere.He qulckly changed into a black tuxido that had a violet flower to match with my dress.I was a little bit tall and curvy so it looked like I was in my twenties. I was told that he had a family dinner to attend so I was his plus one and I wanted to refuse but he wasn't taking no for an answer.

Chapter 5
I called my parents and told them that I was at a friend's house Bianca and they were ok with it.I also called Bianca to let her know that something was up and that she was my cover up. I was nervous to meat his family but they welcomed me and said I was well manered and beautiful.The dinner ended and we went to the hotel even though his parents insisted that we stay for the night.I showered as I came out of the bathroom I saw a nightdress on the bed it was short and black in color.

Chapter 6
I wore and got into bed as I wondered where this handsome man went .I started watching Korean Dramas on my phone and suddenly I saw him enter holding my uniform it was washed and ironed neatly .My shoes were polished to perfection and I quickly got out of bed to take the uniform and place it in the wardrobe.As I finished and was about to go and sleep I felt hands around my waist.I could feel his heartbeat and his unique scent I started feeling weird.

Chapter 7
I turned to face him and our eyes met and next thing I felt his soft warm and juicy lips greeting mine.We shared a passionate kiss that led to me giving my virginity to him.I don't know why I didn't it but I had no regrets and as he held me in his strong warm arms he promised to love me till his last breath.That was a beginning of our love story and eventually I had to come clean to my parents and they tried to tell me to wait until I finished school.I couldn't live without Ryan so I refused to listen to them and it shattered them .

Chapter 8
I wrote my exams well as he made sure I was reading and studying because my dad had kicked me out so I was staying with him at the hotel as he said he will buy an apartment soon.After a week of my exams I realized that I was pregnant and I told him and he rejoiced and decided to get engaged on the Friday as the date was Wednesday. I was so happy and wished for my parents to come to see me getting engaged but they had travelled to Italy after my I finished school.They also weren't speaking to me I guess they were hurt because I chose love of my man instead if them.

Chapter 9
We started the preparations and sent invitations because the engagement was gonna be on Friday and the wedding on Saturday. Everything was alright our love was strong and I knew that he was my soulmate.Unfortunately a tragic thing happened on Thursday night my future husband met into a car accident and later died in the hospital.When he was in the hospital he made me promise to give our unborn child his surname and that I should always be happy.I was deeply hurt I don't want to lie and I thought why I met him if he was gonna leave me all alone .We mourned and burried him on the day that was supposed to be our wedding day.

Chapter 10
I wanted to die as well how could I live without him but I thought about the little person I loved that was growing inside me.I had to live for my baby and be the best mom he has ever seen.I also felt hurt as my child was going to be fatherless.I understood what my parents were trying to tell me but it's love that was ruling my mind.My inlaws took me in and decided that I had to be married to Ryan's younger brother who was 22 and I was 19 .Ryan died when he was 24 and it really broke me he was still young.

Chapter 11
I agreed to get married for my childs sake and Ryan wanted his child to have his surname no matter what.I had to do it for the love of my late boyfriend and child.We got married and I gave birth later to a handsome son who held his father's resemblance and I was so happy and we named him Ryan.My husband Ronald loved him like his own and he also cared deeply about me .I still loved my late boyfriend and hoped someday I will learn to love Ronald and finally let my love go for Ryan.

We can see the influence of love on Ruva she fought with her parents for love and also remarried for love .

The end

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