

🌟Being your Secret🌟Chapter1
Hey guys this is my very first story, this chapter is lengthy please read this chapter with patience 🙂 hope you will like it.If you see any grammatical mistakes kindly tell me I will fix this ,you don't have to be rude & please give this story a try thank you 🙂
Brandon Walker and Sabrina Lewis will be mains in this story .


Third person's POV ( Point of view)

"Okay class, now it's time to give your last maths test copy, okay so first let me tell who got the highest marks in the test" Mr Cross the maths teacher said with excitement.
"Nobody wants to know Mr Cross" Flora said with irritation,and her minions laughed. Mr Cross just looked at her and ignored her presence because he knows she is one of the mean girl in this school and most importantly Flora's father donated a lot of money to this school so he can't say anything even if he wants to.
"Okay,so the topper is as usual my favourite Student who never missed my class once.. SABRINA LEWIS" Mr Cross said happily. Only few students clapped on Sabrina's success, Among them two of those who clapped were her dearest friends ,the rest of the students didn't bother.
"Come on Sabrina take your copy, you got 98%"
"Thank you sir" Sabrina smiled at her favourite teacher, she is happy to think that some people are still proud of her. Sabrina adjusted her eyeglasses, which moved closer to her nose and took her copy and went to her place and sat down again. Her two friends Victoria and Liam congratulated her happily.
"Okay so as I said the Topper's name, this time I will say the names who got low marks in this test and they have to work on their grades.
Flora, Stella, Tiffany,Issac, James, Alec and BRANDON, the last name was uttered with amusement and deep sarcasm. Flora just rolled her eyes and said "Mr Cross if you have nothing more to say can we go? because we have some better things to do,you can continue your lecture with your nerd student Sabrina, let's go guys" Flora and her group including BRANDON left the class.
*After class*
Sabrina and her friends walked out of the classroom and were talking in the corridor, Flora and her friends came and stood in front of Sabrina.
"Hi looser! Aren't you very happy today? You got the highest marks and I was insulted again in class , You don't have to be very happy, no one likes a ugly nerd like you" Flora laughed with her minions Tiffany and Stella.
"Don't even think about insulting her today Flora, leave before I punch you in your ugly face" Victoria said angrily.
"You weirdo, you will hit me ? See what I do to you before that" Flora said before raising her hand to slap her.
"I'm going to the field to practice football, coach is calling me,If you don't want to cheer for me then you can waste your time with them, i'm going" Brandon said to Flora. "Yes we are going too". Brandon,James,Issac and Alec went from there for their practice.
"Wait Brandon I'm coming, let's go " Flora said to her minions and left from there.
"You don't have to do that Vic, you know that I don't like this things" Sabrina said with sadness.
"I can't stand when someone treats you badly, I'm sorry " Victoria said sadly. Sabrina just hugged her tightly." I will look for a boyfriend for you this time ,he'll protect you from that bitch Flora" Victoria said angrily. "I don't need any man to protect me Vic, I can protect myself " Sabrina said. "Okay but I will find him for you,how long will you be single huh? & he'll never be a playboy like Brandon I don't know what girls sees in him ? I will find a decent boy who will treat you like a Princess" Victoria said in one breath. Sabrina just smiled at her innocence.

"Go Brandon go" Flora screamed as she danced in her cheerleading uniform with the school cheerleading team. Brandon is now practicing football for his next match.Well He is the captain of the football team and He is at the top of the school's list of pretty hot boys. 90% of the school girls are cheering for him and the rest is for the whole team.
After the practice the girls of the whole crowd surrounded him and wiped his sweat,some offered him protein shake,water etc etc. Flora came and pushed the whole crowd.
"Brandon needs rest,you guys can go home now, it's 5pm see?" Flora showed her watch. The girls rolled their eyes and left from there.
"Thanks Flora" Brandon sighed.
"It's okay Brandon I'm your bestfriend right? You don't have to say thanks to me" Flora said and kissed his right cheek.
"Umm I need to change my clothes and take a little shower, see you soon okay bye" Brandon said with a smile and left from there.
"Why are you wasting time on him? He doesn't even look at you that way, he sees you as a friend" Tiffany said to Flora. "He likes me and if he doesn't like me now then he will, and Tiffany don't dream about him anymore, he will never like you" Flora said before leaving. Tiffany just rolled her eyes.
*Brandon's POV*
After freshening up with a little shower I told James that I had to go somewhere so I can't go home early today. James said he knows today is Friday and today is the day to go to my secret place. I just laughed at his words. Me,Issac,James,Alec 4 of us live together renting an apartment. Actually last year I was transferred here from my old school. after that i became friends with them and they offered me to live with them and i agreed. So today is Wednesday and after so much waiting throughout the day finally I will meet my love. My friends were suspicious of me about my Monday, Wednesday & Friday outing,but I told them it's my personal matter,so they stayed away from this and I'm thankful to them because I can't tell them about my precious,my secret the love of my life.
I texted her before going to my car. Afrer reaching our favourite meeting spot the backside of the lake, I saw she was already waiting for me. I went to her and sat next to her on our specific favourite bench and hold her soft hand and put her hand in my hands. She removed her hands from me.looks like she's mad at me.
"Looks like someone is really mad at me hmm?" I hold her tiny waist and pulled her And put her on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Talk to me baby" I said before kissing her cheeks.
"You want to talk to me?" She asked.
"Yes baby I waited all day impatiently for our time" I caressed her cheeks.
"Why? I was there in school in front of you every time right?" She said in a calm tone.
"Why are you asking this Rina when you know the reason"
"Yes I know the reason and I hate every second of it, I'm SABRINA LEWIS the ugly nerd in the school & you are THE BRANDON WALKER the hottest boy in the school, are you ashamed of me Brandon? Is that the reason you don't want to tell anyone in the school that I am your girlfriend? Is our relationship means nothing to you?" Sabrina was sobbing in her words.

*Hey guys kindly tell me about your opinion in the comment section. :) next chapter will be out soon.