

Mary was betrayed by her mother.
A girl called mary who lost the only one she ever loved though betrayer of her mother.
Mary grew in a house where she thought that love can only start from a place where a child was born. Unfortunately it was the order way round. She was never allowed to love the man she fell in love with. The man who makes the hair on her skin stand, the only guy that arouses her inner soul was denied by the woman she called her mother who failed to understand her emotional feeling craving. She was too fearful to express her inner desire. Mary's mother saw that Mary's behaviour has changed since she denials her from seeing the guy she has a feel for. Her mother never sat down to try and understand why Mary has those feelings she told Mary's father to come and take her to another home. when Mary's father came and asked Mary what's going on, the mother came out and said Mary has not been listening to her and rather says she is in love. Mary's father never asked Mary if what the mother said was right he took Mary to a different home and Mary never got to build a healthy relationship with her mother.
written by LJmotivate4u