

How To Deal With Your Problems
Everybody on this earth has some problems of their own. People have different ways to deal with it. I will share my theory of problems with you. Maybe these might work for you.

When we have problems in life we tend to seek help of others maybe your parents, teachers, friends etc. When they can't solve their problems we seek help of others. Seeking help and there hoping that someone might come as angel and solve our problems by twick of fingers. But in this whole journey of seeking help we are hurting ourselves at the first place. We tell our problems to those who can't solve our problems and infact who can't even feel your problem. We think we will get sympathy from the other person. Don't do this. My first advice - "DON'T SHARE YOUR PROBLEMS WITH THOSE WHO CAN'T SOLVE THEM" . We think that by continuos efforts we can solve our problems which is right to some extent. But in this whole process of efforts we are more focusing on problems rather them coming out of them. We don't accept the fact that some of the things are out of our control. My advice to you is that " WHEN YOU HAVE GOT PROBLEMS, ACCEPT THAT". Solving your problems and coming out of them are different things. Maybe you can't solve all your problems but you can come out of them anytime you want. Rather than running away from problems accept that you have problems and feel the pain of them. And try to think what can you do about it, if you can't do something about it then don't feel bad. Often when people fall in problems they start to beg in front of other people to solve them. In this case they are not solving their problems they are actually increasing them. My advice to you is " DON'T BEG OTHERS TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS". When they want to solve your problems they will solve. You are just feeding your problems by begging from them. My advice to you is to try this method and respond in comments
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