


The Reality of Life
Many times, I sit and wonder, what's this life all about, who made the trees , how was it formed, amongst.
How painful is it that Children with Fathers and Mothers value them less, meanwhile another child somewhere nearby is crying to God second by second to just give him/her a Father or Mother, it’s painful that millions of young, inexperienced and foolish youths get pregnant and then decide to just flush out the foetus meanwhile, there is a married woman out there praying to God to give them just one child.
Though we may not acknowledge this, but I’d like you to think for a moment, “ Have I said Thank you to God for the life he’s given me today, what is that thing that I so much desire from God”, after doing that, now analyze and ask yourself again, “Do I have something another out there desires ?”
Now there’s no better way to answer this than giving you an illustration, picture this, an orphan lives with her aunt, though her aunt takes very good care of her and gives her everything in her might, she can’t grant the girl’s only wish, of being with her parents. Meanwhile, still in the same city, there was another girl crying to God to bless her parents so that she could go to school and have a good life.
If you carefully study the two girls, you’ll see that one has wealth but no parents, the other, parents but no wealth. Now this is the reality of life which we so bitterly must accept.
You won’t always have it your way, neither will you get what you want always.
Some days may be rainy, others Sunny, and at some point it seems like it in between. Some events maybe sweet , bitter and in fact Bittersweet, now that is life for you.
It’s not always going to be fair or the way you want it but in all, we’ve got to stand up and stand out, Stand strong till the end because WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, THE TOUGH (and only the tough) GETS GOING.
So Stay Strong.. if not for anything but for the sake of those who love you and look up to .... And also so that at the end of it all, those who looked down on you will come begging you for help...

Thank you…..