

Tasteless Cannibal(Vkus)

© Diavolo Have you ever imagined eating something but not tasting it? Well I've been stuck with that for my whole life. I always joked about how sweet life tastes. Nobody knew I mean literally. I loved chewing my skin, always wanted to go to the bone but I knew to stop. I dont know why I enjoyed it but the chewy texture intrigued me. So I always but my nails to cover up my addiction. он не знал, что он был частью рода вампиров. My girlfriend didn't know of my addiction so I thought I was good. My habit got ahead of me. When I kissed her, I bit her. She was shocked, confused, and most importantly, scared. I let myself go and kept biting on her while she yelled in pain and pleasure. As I was biting her, my teeth grew, the sensation of blood filled me and before I knew, my skin became pale. I was thinking a 100 thoughts. What am I? Am I even human? Is my love still alive? Wait, where is she? I turn around and see her standing behind me with the same attributes as me. "What happened to us?" "We've became vampires." As I was thinking, it made sense. My addiction sometimes got out of control and I loved the sensation of the blood trickling down my lips. I didn't know what to do or think, until two people, one old man and a young woman. "We've finally found you" the young girl said. You were looking for me?" "Yes, for years we have been searching and now we've found you. I know you are confused but dont worry, we will take care of you." "What is your name?" "My name is Vanessa and my grandpa doesn't have a name, so call him Blinx. But whatever you do, never call him blind." "Ok, we get it." "We?" She looked around the room for something but couldn't find what she was looking for. Then she finally says, "Ok, let's get out of here."