

Stories of Passion 2
We embarked on our journey, fighting the heavy downpour and joking, giggling and getting comfortable with each other with each step we took. Curious to know where we're going? I know you are.
Well, I whispered in her ear, ‘What if I take you back to a place that reminds you of your younger and carefree days? A place where you don't have to put on a mask? A place where you are free of judgements? And the coffee machine isn't broken either!’

Does it sound fascinating to you also? Well, if you were expecting something exquisite, I apologize because I was offering the simple joy of a roadside Chai shop to her.
Yes, humans are that simple and easy to impress. Drenched in glee, we arrived at the humble corner shop where ever-smiling Baba worked tirelessly and efficiently, churning out a batch of hot chai every 10 minutes. We sat under the metal shed and tipper tapper of rain for background music. The weary old bench had seen many travellers, students, professionals and dreamers before us. Baba handed us two cups of cutting Chai. His welcoming smile and the warmth of the cups made the atmosphere accommodating and helped us get over the disappointment of the broken coffee machine. She took a sip, closed her eyes and let out a sigh. She turned to me and said, ‘Let’s go rogue and break all the coffee machines in this town so we can do this again, from now until forever.’

Did they become notorious for breaking all the coffee machines in town? Or did they figure something out?
Find out soon!
© Zacho