

Dimensional Collisions
Past, present and future are all points in time which are separate from our own and within itown dimension. There are those that experience weird time phenomenon which they might have seen the future or a past event with their own eyes, and there are well documented cases that cannot be explained yet it had happened to credible witnesses like the military officer that documented he flew over an abandoned private airport strip it was empty and on his way back saw it well taken care of with planes and men in jumpsuits of a weird collor but when he revisited it with his commanding officer it was empty and abandoned again and many years later it was purchased and every detail the military officer gave was 100℅ accurate, could he have traveled through time in some way? my theory is hard to explain but in the picture you see above is earth of past present and future they are all in different dimensions rotating in ways that we have yet to discover and i believe there is very thin spots in each of these dimensions that when they rotate enough to line up perfectly they cause various anomalies sometimes even weather anomalies and with the right equipment we could travel through these thin spots alined together or even be able to actually make them line up to travel through them. i believe that through these thin spots gust of wind and sounds could travel through them without fully being alligned which could explain temperature changes, electrical anomalies or even chemicals that fuse with our oxigen can combust starting fires and sometimes explosions, it is quite possible that legendairy lost cities such as the lost city of atlantis had technology and attempted a doorway through the dimensions moving the city in a distant future, past, altered reality, space or even another plain of existence it is possible during the attempt they got certain equations wrong broke apart slipping through the thin spots destroying atlantis while dropping relics into the oceans, also could explain why so many crop circles pop up world wide or why we havent been able to contact civilizations out of earth (i believe aliens to contact us cause we would attack them and be forced to defend themselfs against low developped world, coming here is off limits due to laws) also could explain the bermuda triangle and the missing planes and boats, even the MH plane that went missing, there has been so many things that nobody can trully explain and this could be the theory to discover a vast advanced discovery about our existence.

ill keep working on my theory.

© Josh Mckinney