

Dragon King Episode Five Frozen Wasteland
Black Dragons retreated "we will be back to crush them, I didn't expect that human kid to be good but we will find ways to deal with him!" exclaimed Soulreaper. Back in Bedgorath dragons are either wounded or dead, "Thank you for helping guys" Battlehorn said to Prince Tereus and his friends, Young one what is that thing that pierced Cruelbrek's heart? asks Battlehorn. " It's the ice and fire spear, I created that spear using ice, and the hottest volcano fires and precious metals with magic. It can penetrate any Wyvern or Dragons scale" the young prince answered. "You are very capable at your young age, you and your friends are most welcome to visit me at my castle," said Battlehorn. "thank you your grace we will visit you one day," replied Prince Tereus.

After the incident, the young prince was summoned by Skywing. "Go to frozen wasteland and look for Dreambringer she is the Queen of magic on us dragons, she has golden scales and exceptionally large wings. Her breath is a damaging stream of pure magic. She is extremely sadistic but reasonable, her ability to detect magic is very strong. She lives in an icy cavern of frozen wasteland. Her broad is big and consists mostly of magic artifacts. " Tell her I send you, learn from her everything you can learn, and don't return here until she tells you to.

And together with his four friends Thoughtrune, Doomscholar, Bronzespike, and Soulchanger, they travel to the frozen wasteland. Frozen wasteland is partially forested but most of it is covered with icy hills, icy mountains, treacherous roads and it is a perfect and effective hiding place for all kinds of monsters maybe it's dragons, wyverns, and other monsters. Before reaching Frozen Wasteland the mountains are being guarded by a fierce dragon, 'Deadswitch the deceptive', he is an ancient dragon. He has green scales and quills on his back. His breath is black magic. He is quite deceptive. His ability to work necromantic magic is powerful and dangerous. He lives in icy mountains leading to the frozen wasteland.

© rodpatrick