

"And in 1990"Once upon a Mama... Once upon a daughter...Ep5
Aduke missed her mother and father, the pamper she gets from them, the excessive love and attention.
She missed Mama Agba stories, she missed her friends but she is doing awesome with her new family. She believes oneday... She will find her way back home.

In 1979, when Bunmi's new born twin are just some few months old, Abímbólá told James that she want to see her elder sister who lives in Ado-Ekiti, But not after she resigned from the school were she teach.

She wasn't herself ever since Aduke was missing and with the bundles of joy Bunmi brought to her family, she was depressed. She look like an extra, just irrelevant in her home.

She believes she had lose her marriage and the only way to protect it, is to have a child.

James understand how she feels, he thought she want to see her sister because she need someone to talk to and be at ease. He is ready to do anything that will make her happy.
He gave her some farm products as a gift to her sister.

Abímbólá travelled to a part of Ado-Ekiti, to meet her sister.
She got to Ado-Ekiti and find her elder sister.

Abímbólá's Elder sister, Olutayo, is married, and has three children.
One of her daughters is married, and lives outside Ado-Ekiti.

Olutayo now lives with her two children and her husband.

Abímbólá was welcomed and Olutayo was happy to see her younger sister.

"I'm must be honest, Bimbola,... I am super excited to see you." Olutayo said.
The two sisters have lot of things to talk about. From their childhood experiences and friends, their late parents and families.

Oye came back in the evening from the sawmill where he and his wife sells plank and met Abímbólá, He was happy to see his wife's sister.

The next day, Abímbólá and Olutayo went to the sawmill together.
When the two sisters were alone, Olutayo asked Abímbólá why she came to her. Abímbólá told Olutayo everything that has happened to her marriage.

Olutayo took pity on Abímbólá.
"So what do you want to do?" She asked Abímbólá.

"Anything my sister, I want to have a child too..." Abímbólá said.

Abímbólá was tired of everything.

"And everywhere I went to, I was told Aduke is alive and will be found..." Abímbólá said as she cried.

She continue,
"When will she come back?... Ehn my sister... When? I've been in this marriage for twenty one years and there is nothing to show of it... I don't blame James's mother... That's her only son... I will do the same too...but.."

Olutayo interrupt her,

"I know you are ready to do anything right now to protect your marriage but remember you are Abímbólá before your marriage, remember what you subject yourself to in your first seven years of marriage when you really need a child. Bimbola... Remember all you did back then... And I want you to remember that it was when you stopped the struggles and troubles you subject yourself to... That was when you have Aduke... Did you remember?" Olutayo said.
Abímbólá wipe her tears off her face with her hand. As she look around the sawmill, thinking about her sister's words.

Olutayo continues " I'm not saying it's wrong to try and fix our problems ourselves, but sometimes we have to let things unfold in its way else we might be destroying ourselves... Don't force it so you won't regret it... We can't fight all our battles... We can't win every war."
Olutayo adjust her sitting position and put her arm on Abímbólá's shoulder, "Bimbola mi,... I want you to live like nothing happen to you... I know that's the hardest thing to do... But that's the best thing you can do... You are told Aduke will be found... So I want you to let go of your worries, believe those positive words, assume that your daughter had travelled and oneday she will come back to you, and may God help you...I want you to be happy." Olutayo said to her sister.

Abímbólá breathe deeply, and think about what her sister said to her.

However, Aduke leads in her class, she made it to the first position in her class since she was in primary two,although, she took the second position in her class when she join the school in primary one.
And Mama Wùnmi is proud of her.

Now, Aduke is in primary five along with her friend, Wùnmi.

Abímbólá was happy to visit the sawmill, and grow an interest in selling plank that day.

The next day, She joined her sister at the sawmill. She loves the people, the environment and she have an interest in the business.

Abímbólá asked her sister what she can do to start a plank business.
She want to start something new now.

Olutayo was happy with this and is ready to help her as long as this will make her happy. She told her husband about it.

Olutayo and her husband owned two shops, Olutayo manage one and her husband manage the other.

Oye, Olutayo's husband told Abímbólá that the business is good and he is ready to help her and link her up with plank suppliers whenever she is ready to start the business.

Abímbólá was relieved to hear this and thank the couple.

She went back to Ayedun thinking about her sister's advice and promising herself to follow the advice, but when she got back home... The memories of her missing child and her problems resurface.

Now Abímbólá realise she can't achieve anything if she do not move on and the truth is she can't move on if she is still living in the same house that holds her past memories.
She decide to leave but said nothing to James.
She know he will never support her decision, but that is the best.

Abímbólá told James that she want to see her sister again.
James was surprised,
"But you just return from her place... Just last month?" James asked.
"Hmmn... Yes... But I need to see her right now... It's important." Abímbólá answered.

"Okay... If that is what you want.. you can go... But I'm not comfortable with this... are you sure nothing is wrong?" James asked.

"No... No... I only need to see her, you don't need to worry about anything." Abímbólá answered.

After some days, Abímbólá left and Bunmi was surprised at how much of her things she is taking along.

She was carrying one of her second twin as she called Abímbólá and asked,
"Why are you taking so much of your things along?... Hope nothing is wrong?... If there is anything... You can talk to me." Bunmi said because she was worried.

Abímbólá smiled, "Don't worry... I'm fine... Taiye is sleeping right?" Abímbólá asked.
"Yes he is sleeping.... But I will miss you... However don't forget I will be waiting for you... Don't stay longer than a week...promised me?" Bunmi said.
Abímbólá smiled "I will definitely come back."

To be continued...

Photo credit: Depositphoto
© Anu Ola