

Alone with God

In the season of intimacy with God,
Let's reframe our thoughts, and not be odd.
Making love with God, a concept so true,
Not with man, but with Christ, our hearts renew.
We yearn to know God, but often ignore,
The signs that beckon us to His secret shore.
Loneliness creeps in, and we wonder why,
Friends distant, isolation draws nigh.
But God whispers, "My child, come back to Me,"
In the stillness, He longs to set us free.
With Bible, journal, and pen in hand,
Let's sit in the emptiness, and make a stand.
Talk to the Sweetest, the Greatest, the Love of our lives,
Make love with God, and let His love thrive.
John 15:4 says, "Abide in Me, and I in you,"
A mutual love, a heart-to-heart anew.
Alone with God, in His Word we find,
The secrets He's shared, the love He's designed.
What is that word He's spoken to you?
Today, let's dive in, and make it anew

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