

Imagine and read this Horror story
Imagine and read this part five of the story

Suddenly they heard the crackling of the window.
"What was that! " exclaimed Tiara.
Martin was startled, he ran to the Hall with Tiara. Tiara screamed to see the window broken!. Martin again took on his heels, he went to Charlotte's room.
"Charlotte is not here" he paused.
"Charlotte broke the window and went out" he continued.
meanwhile Tiara spoke nothing, but blurted her tears. She kept weeping until Martin consoled her.
"This is no time for weeping Tiara, we must find her" he said.
"I know but how? " she asked him back.
"We must follow these traces of broken window outside"
It seemed a long way but they were ready to take up this risk for their friend Charlotte.

© Sayee Dharshini