

By The End Of the time (last)
I know that when you will receive this letter…you must be morning over my death … but …
I want to say all of you a few things:
My wife would be definitely reading this …
Tell baba and mama that I loved them by the end of the timeTell yourself and my sweet little 4 years old daughter I loved her
Baba mama in my last days I remembered all your advices I thought all of the
Times we spent together ……. I wanted to give u a hug for the one last time
My bad I could not
Tell my daughter that she was the precious thing I had in that world and
Tell her that I wanted to see her grow up …. I wanted so much
Tell yourself be stronger because I want you to be happy forever
Now the last thing that I wanted to say you all is
I loved u all by the end of the time and I will see you after the end of this world
Do me a last favour …. Be happy until we meet.
Letter from the dead man