

Sporadic Beeps
Ever since I was a child, I knew I was quite different from the others. I can see them, but no one else can, I can interact with them, but only I can. My reality is far...far different. I have a broader version of reality.

*Beep... *Beep... *Beep...

Sporadic beeps,

That's all I could hear all day and night, I can't seem to recall how and when the beeping sounds started but they keep getting faster... and faster...

Many sleepless nights have once again past. I began skipping classes, I couldn't pay attention nor did I care to deal with people around me. I locked myself in my room and began a way of counting the beeps. Everytime a beep happens, I would mark a tally on a piece of paper.

*Beep... *Beep... *Beep...

It got to 10...

It got to 20, easily...

On to 30...



Then I lost track in tallying.

After one more painstakingly loud night, I counted hundreds. The damn sounds had me awake all night. I began to doubt my sanity.

*Beep... *Beep... *Beep...

I began tallying on the floor, on the walls, on my desk. Hell, even writing them on myself. Hours past, precious hours that I was losing. Was it hours?

The number eventually passed 1000, I fell to my side. I was covered in tally marks. My walls and floor is a mess of smeared pen. I laughed. I was laughing hard hysterically. Delirious and sleep deprived, I past out on the floor laughing...

Thank you for reading!
Kindly follow me for more poems and stories💕
:(picture not mine)

© Trisha