

Deep in the ocean lived the west merpeople they didn't allow children to go on land . One day a sibling named Alona mischievously went out to see the human world . It had told her friends that she was going . Her friends waited and waited hoping that she would return but time passed by she didn't come .Her parents were getting worried about her so they decided to ask her friends. They told them the truth . Alona's parents went to tell Raey the king about there daughter .The king told them that if she does not return by sundown if means maybe the humans might have killed her or captured her .Raey said " I am going to put may powers over the sea so that if they killed her they would definetly throw her body in the ocean so l am going to place my powers on the surface of the ocean so that when her body falls she will be alive .Kin Raey did as hw e had promised. ************************************************A young lad named Berry was driving his car drunk listening to the music. When he was crossing the bride he accidently crashed into a heavy vehicle .He fell into the ocean . Luckily he gained the powers of infinity lives,breathing anywere,speed and lightning . He was surprised realising that he could breath. As quick as a flash he swam to the shore . Then he saw a shark . With fear he jumped of the shore and began running away. To his amazement he saw that he was running on water . Fortunately he managed to outrun the shark and reach on island but he didn't know were he was . He wondered days and days in the island until he fainted of dehydration.
© jackt