

Airports have always made me uncomfortable. The rush, the chaos, the madness is something that I could never get along with. They say, hospitals walls hear the sincerest prayers and airports see the truest emotions. People hustling around have somehow always made me jittery.

She came to see me off at the airport. At the departure gates, she hugged me tight and whispered, "I wish we had met sooner." I don't know what came over me, I just couldn't resist kissing her. And the moment I did, a strange emotion crossed my heart, and momentarily i brushed it aside. I could see thousands of emotions running in her eyes. It was clear she didn't want to let me go, she wanted to say so many things but she chose not to. She has always been very choosy about speaking in what she feels and thinks, but i guess she doesn't know that I can read each and every emotion, feeling, thought that crosses her mind and reflects in her eyes. Reluctantly I had to leave her. As I looked back, she stood there with unshed tears threatening to spill but she held them back so adamantly, as if she was challenging the tears dare they spill out. She swiftly turned away from me, and I knew for a fact that she cried, she finally allowed the tears to betray her and fall.

With every step that I took away from her, it was creating a void that was getting bigger and bigger. Yet, brushing all this aside I went ahead with boarding formalities. I boarded the flight and called her. And as usual, she chose not to speak her heart out fearing she would get vulnerable in front of me.

As the flight took off, I started thinking about her. She came into my life when I was not at all looking for a relationship. Unknown to me, I started loving her. I never realised that I started falling for her even without having seen her. I confessed my love for her 3 years after realising that I need her in my life. There were instances when I thought I lost her, and those instances literally made me so vulnerable and restless.

The moment I kissed her, I felt that,
I have been in love earlier but i never felt so good
The taste of her lips made me realise I'm starving
I've kissed before but it didn't burn me alive
Even though I just fell in love for her before meeting her
Seeing her and holding her in my arms made me realise
She is the one I've been waiting for all along.

© Impulsiveinspirations