

The Maids (Part 13)
Part 13


The king's palace.

Intro: The king of Northsay (Martin) arranged his Chevaliers to discuss about Glamoth, a kingdom that is waging war on other kingdoms.
(The king of Glamoth is named after the kingdom. To the Glamothan's for every king that has been named after the kingdom will reign in accumulation of wealth and land. In the history of Glamoth there are just three kings named after the kingdom of Glamoth, and Glamoth is the current king. Everyone in Glamoth believes that king Glamoth will bring prosperity to the land just as his forefathers have. The meaning of Glamoth is wealth and stream of honey).

KING MARTIN: (He place a map at the center of the round table, he points to the map) this is Glamoth. It is impressive how small the kingdom is, but Glamoth managed to conquer three kingdoms already.

CHEVALIER LEO :( in awe) Glamoth has already conquer three kingdoms, at this rate, king Glamoth will own the world.

CHEVALIER CELPHUS: No man can own the world. We can conquer Glamoth just the way that he has conquered the other kingdoms. We are Chevaliers of Northsay, we are warriors and Glamoth is just a small kingdom, I see no reason why we should fear one man.

KING MARTIN: Glamoth is a barbarian and he fights like an animal with no decency. He is more than a man now; he is a man with thousands of soldiers.

CHEVALIER CELPHUS: We should prepare for war.

KING MARTIN: That won't be necessary (he pick a pen and write on a scrol).

(A guard enters)

GUARD: (He knee and bow, stretching a scroll forward as he speaks) your Majesty, a message from Toursuress .

(King Martin receive the scroll and read it) Interesting, the king of Toursuress sent a message to make an alliance with Northsay, he wants us to fight Glamoth together

CHEVALIER ETHAN: That is a very good idea my Lord, I think we should honour his request.

KING MARTIN: Sir Ethan I'm afraid this is a very bad idea for us now. Glamoth is not in good relationship with Tourseress. Glamoth seize people and land and now he would have acquired countless soldiers, we cannot face him now. You must learn when to retreat. We can't make useless sacrifice.


KING MARTIN: I am not in King Glamoth's bad book. I shall marry the princess off to Glamoth. Sir Leo ride to Glamoth immediately and inform king Glamoth, that I wish his hands in marriage with my daughter, Princess Beatrice.

CHEVALIER CELPHUS: That's absurd; the princess cannot marry that man.

KING MARTIN: well that man is the king of Glamoth and he is about to wage war on us. will you marry him instead?
(The chevaliers giggles).

KING MARTIN: Silence! I have made my decision. You can all leave now. Guards!
(A guard enters)

KING MARTIN: Take my message to the princess chamber, tell them to prepare to receive king Glamoth, for princess Beatrice will be married to him in seven night.

GUARD: (He bows and as he receive the scroll) yes my king.

(Chevalier Celphus and Ethan discuss as they walk out of the palace).

CHEVALIER CELPHUS: sending the princess to Glamoth is a bad idea.

CHEVALIER ETHAN: Maybe the king is afraid to face an animal, a barbarian (he laugh hysterical).

CHEVALIER CELPHUS: Nonsense, I have known Martin since he was a prince, there is no way he's afraid of Glamoth.

CHEVALIER ETHAN: You never know a man's mind
(He laugh as they both walked into the town).