

Hey! I have something to tell you. Or rather, to ask. When was the last time you told your mother that you loved her? And no, I am not going on an emotional rant here. Just sayin. When was the last time you stopped to smell a flower? Or took a moment to look at the clouds? When was the last time you drew something, or read a book out of your own will and free time? Okay, easier one, when was the last time you hugged someone? You see, I completely understand that life is a race, and now, there is no time to stop. But trust me on this, if you do stop, your life will improve. Life may be a race, but it's one that can't be won. So if you can't win it, there is no point in rushing through it. Take a moment to stop, go outside, smell a flower, plant a tree, write a letter ( it's okay if its outdated), I know a letter from a loved one would brighten my day. Do something else. And remember, STOP.