

The North Evergreens: 6
Please, before you read this, read the other stories: Part 1,2,3,4 and 5. Thank you.

The band went towards their new destination, which was a big building with barely any people living in it: Just a couple other visitors from the South Evergreens or other places like Harcorp, Valedals, Gioni Springs. As soon as they reached the building they heard teens play truth or dare, listening to their super loud music, some people digging holes in the ground to bury their secret items, such as keychains, stones or paint cans with a couple junk items hidden in them. Some kids near an old well were trying out some old ritual that was said to bring you skills that you always dreamed to have. The band went in the building. Some rooms were pretty nice: bunk beds, rugs, some old forgotten tables, but some were really empty: just a bucket of cement or a box of nails. The room that the band of 7 chose had an ancient cupboard with some pots and cups, magically still not broken. There was also a table from a cafeteria, for some reason standing there and a stack of folding chairs.
"Good place for a tea party, guys!" - said Evan and put his gum under the window frame.
"Yeah, we could just use the sink on the first floor and the stove, take one of the pots and make some tea." - said Tayler.
"Honestly, great idea." - put in Evelina - "But I'm up for some coffee."
"Same!" - said Anya - "And I'm gonna kill everyone if the nearest shop doesn't have a cappuccino!"
"Woah woah, Volannka! Keep your hot cappuccino temper back for now!" - Dequisa calmed her - "We will need it when we fight the jerks downstairs."
They heard "the jerks downstairs" play annoying pop music.
"Ugh, we gotta teach them some dub or trap, cause this is crap that they're listening to!" - sighed Sabrina.
Everyone chose a place to sleep. Anya picked the place right next to the cupboard, Ducya went closer to the corner. Evelina chose the corner opposite of her - to the far left from the entrance view. Evan chose to be closer to the door - He said that it will be easier to escape if the building catches on fire. Tayler found a place near the table, to the right far side from the door, and Dequisa and Sabrina went to the window and fussed over who would sleep closer to it and who would be further. Then everyone sat down and started dismantling their backpacks and suitcases.

© Evergreen YT