

31. The war has begun
Mia's P.O.V

The whole council including the whole royal Demon family, the royal Wolf's' Vains, witches, fairies and the pure blood vampires aka Dimitri's sons.

All of us are currently sitting in our father's conference room discussing the war. We couldn't even manage to get William out , but I guess it doesn't matter because Xavier said all of them except me. Why am I the only one who's going to survive?

Many ,many, many, many years ago the demon world was open to anyone demons and Vains, faires, witches and wolf's lived in happiness until one stupid ass Vain aka my great great great great great great grandfather tried to slay the demon king at the time aka Levin yes the dudes pretty old anyways he tired to kill Levin but he failed and Levin killed him and the elders of the Demon world aka Levi's parents told him to create a barrier that only Demons could cross hence the reason why only Dimitr and his brothers could go into the demon world but the demon world is no longer close to supernatural before.

The demon world and the supernatural world was once one world called Zarac but when my great great great grandfather Started a war against the Demon king and elders aka Levin and his parents they created the barrier that separates the Demon works from the supernatural world.

I heard stories about the demon world. I heard it's technology is 100 times more advanced than the supernatural world and human world combined.

I also heard it's huge. I heard it's bigger than the supernatural world and human world combined.

But I also heard that the Demons are assholes and they hate any other race but theirs but I don't know if all that is true I asked Dimitr buy the most he told me was that the Demon world was indeed bigger thank both the human and supernatural world combined but the part about demons being racist he didn't answer that question.

I was on my bed reading a book, when Perl walked in with a worried look on her face. "What's up Perl?" I asked and she sighs.

"Mianea I have something to tell you but first I must show you my true form" she said.

What I saw next was unbelievable it was like something out of a movie or fairytale Perl transform into a 9 feet goddess her facial appearance remain the same but the body change completely in not only did she grow taller but she also became more powerful I'm literally scared I never saw someone so powerful in my life she could take down our whole family in a heartbeat and here I was thinking she was just some weak vampire.

" P,pearl h, h, how d,did you do that" I stuttered while backing away from her.

"My name is not Perl, it's Jinoah," said Perl I mean Jinoah.

This is too much for me. I can sense her power but I can't tell what she is. I know she isn't a demon or any other thing I know about but I don't know what she is.

"w ,what a,are y,you" I stuttered.

"She's Arozian" I heard a deep powerful answer I looked up at Perl and I Can't believe what I saw next I never saw some on so tall it's inhumane I don't think it's possible he's about 13 or 14 feet tall.

"Jinoah she's beautiful I never saw someone so beautiful the woman back home can't compare to her beauty I should make her my wife"

"Aryuk I told you Mia and her family should be left alone that all I ask for"

"Shut up Jinoah before I get upset," said the tall guy. I think his name is Aryuk.

I'm scared for my life. I'm completely scared. I'm trembling. I can even get the strength to teleport out. I'm so scared I can't even move.

But I must teleport out. I need to warn the others we need to run because if Perl I mean Jinoah is so powerful and she is not even half as powerful as him I know we have no choice but to run.

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