

My lady in Green
Ch 1: A new beginning

It has been years since that beautiful day when everything changed, but in my mind, it's still fresh. I remember my friends telling me that ine day, i will fall in love. And it would change everything. It's worth mentioning that I was at an all boys school before, and now I am getting in at a mixed school. And it was a completely new experience for me.

I can still remember the day pretty clearly. I had recently changed school and it was my first class at this new place, full of new people. It was my first class at a new school, so I got ready earlier and reached the school before time. However, the classes weren't cleaned yet, so some of the students, including me, had to stay outside the classroom. The main door was still open, so I decided to have a cup of tea before the class started. I guess I was always a tea 🍵 lover.

There was this small tea stall which we call tong er dokan, just outside the school. I went there and had a cup of tea. While having my tea, my mind constantly reminded me how restless and uneasy I am. As a matter of fact, I found myself standing at the beginning of a new chapter. And being an introvert, I was having a tough time making myself comfortable with all those unfamiliar surroundings and faces. I was having a feeling of isolation and uncertainty. To be poetic, I was trying to find my way in an ocean full of water.

After my tea break, I went back in ,only to find that almost all the seats were taken. Luckily, there were a couple of seats on the last row. And I had to struggle my way into it. Imagine pushing your belly and your muscles through the tight space between two consecutive seats. It was a crowded room, it was too small, so accommodating every student was a tough job. I managed to sit there and was feeling bored, so I put my head onto the bench, as I did not want to get anyone's attention.

The weather was a bit cloudy that day, with fresh breeze flowing in and out of the classroom. It was the month of February, and the essence of winter was still there, which was slowly fading. The air was still a bit cold. Still, these aristocratic students had the Ac turned on. The room was cold, and there was chaos, with people shouting and talking. The door was locked, and suddenly, it opened. As it opened, it made a cranking noise. Something that hit me in my ears.

I thought it was the teacher, so I stood up to show my respect, but as the door opened, I saw that it was not him, but somebody else. It was a girl, and I only got a small glimpse of her. Little did I know that one look at her will forever change my story.

I somehow couldn't stop thinking about her. I only saw a small glimpse of her, but it was already making me feel different. I did not know at first about my feelings because I had never felt like it before. It was magical . This is exactly what they show on Tvs and movies, the slow paced music playing behind you, the atmosphere goes silent, just you and the mystery girl. For the whole class, all i could think about was her.

As the class finished, I tried to find her, but in all that chaos with all the students running around, I missed my opportunity to find her. Alas! I hesitantly walked away from the school, trying to look for her in every girl that came out through the school door. I don't know why, but i just wanted to find her, like it was my life's purpose. I was never so determined in my life to find someone, but my heart, for the first time in my life, decided not to listen to me. It was doing what he wished. I did not see her face, so it was literally an impossible task to identify her. However, although my mind may not have seen her, my heart did. It is ironic to say that my heart saw and remembered some distinctive facial features, while my mind failed to do so.

After coming home, I realized that I was consumed by that brief encounter with that mysterious girl. It was to the point when I found myself constantly daydreaming about her trying to recreate her face inside my mind and imagining what her voice would sound like. The more I dwelled on it, the stronger the pull became. But it was the last class of that week, and I had to wait a few more days before I could see her again. Each night and each morning, all I could see was a smile with dimples on both cheeks.

Driven by curiosity and an undeniable pull towards the girl ,I opened my social media and would browse through hours in search of that mystery girl in my class. I searched through various platforms, scrolling through hours of profiles, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. At that time, we did not have WiFi, so it was hours of mobile data and lots of hard work. As they say, when you really wish for something from the bottom of your heart, the whole universe works to bring it to you. And, in my case, it happened just like a fairytale. As I went deeper into my online search, I managed to put together fragments of information, from our schools pages, groups, and through tagged posts. As I was browsing through all the people in our school's social media group and pages, one particular girl caught my attention.

Trust me when I say that, I had never seen my mystery girl, but when I laid my eyes on her, I just felt that this was it. This was my mystery girl. It was as if my heart had stopped for a while and just felt like it had found a lost treasure. From there on, I began to collect and gather information about her. I had a question in my mind. Should I send her a friend request?Will she accept it? What if she gets angry?. These questions consumed me with a feeling of anxiety and fear. But then I realized something. I did all that hard work only to find her, and now that I know her, I can't fall back. So, I mustered the courage and sent her a friend request.

I was too excited and nervous as I hit the "Send Friend Request" button on her profile. But now it was a waiting game, and the wait was consuming me. I was restless and would regularly check my notifications obsessively, hoping to see a notification indicating her response. Hours felt like days, and I was becoming restless to see the outcome, I had lost all control. And I was about to cancel the friend request. But just as I was about to give up hope, I received a notification that finally appeared on my screen. My heart stopped for a while, and I thought I had just accomplished a major feat. To my biggest surprise, she accepted my friend request, and after confirming that she's indeed my mystery girl, I took a deep breath. A sigh of relief and joy. I have never seen this level of happiness and love before. It was as if God, the entire universe, is giving me an opportunity. I could hardly keep my newly found motivation secret.