

I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge.We were a group of children Who gathered around our work shop.I mean ,it
was the small forest which surrounded by different trees such as tamarind ,bamboos and neems also those manchadi plant which has a red colour seeds which we used for playing different games in those days.Yes,that small forest near our village was our work shop that we used as a major spot for our games and fellowship.And in this forest there was a beautiful river where almost all the time we used to swim and dive to prove each other that 'I am a good swimmer and I am the best'
Once in a summer holiday of our schools we were playing as usual in our spot there came my uncle Ramesh and he took me sudden with a serious face without saying anything to me.
"Where are you taking me "
And then I was a child and still saying that,
"Leave me let me play a little more"
But he didn't answerd any thing and raised his speed .
And I am still says him that ,
"Leave me uncle let me play"
When he took me to the town to my home
I saw a huge crowd before my home looking me on with their eyes which actually filled with some kind of distress .And even though I was a small child who completed 9 years old but I felt sympathy from their approach.
My uncle took me closer to him and hug me and said,
"Come my child "
And when he was finishing up that sentence he wiped out his tears and make me little more closer to him .Then I took up my vision on the two dead bodies which were covered totally with white clothes .And he opened up the faces on me.
I screamed aloud,
Nothing more I could say.
"Meeraaa ... don't cry baby don't cry it's ok"
Once again he said ,
it's ok my child ,it's ok....
Then suddenly my grandparents came there from their village.Yes , it's the village of my grandparents where I always used to stay when the school was off .It was my happiness in my life that when I stay there.Then after the death of my parents I was taken forever to my grandparents home but one thing difference from as usual that I couldn't stay happy no more.But my grandparents struggled alot to take back my innocent smile on my face .But it was really felt too difficult for them to make it possible . Although I was dipressed and was shocked completely but the passing away of months and years dimed all my negative memories from my remembrance .Thus my lips smiled again my face once more covered with the pleasant innocence of my childhood.Let me tell the rest of my story as an other one's
" Meera why are you laughing too much? "

"Meera go and study don't go to play now"

"Meera , don't eat too much sweets it will damage your teeth'
All such calling of her grandparents showed out that yes, she is back on her life.

Years passed away.....
Now that house is cingling with the sounds of her earings even of the anklets and the sweet charming sounds of her
which mensions that she is a lady now .A complete beautiful lady .Now we can see some youngsters who are rounding behind her even we could also find them peeping through the gates and windows of her house for a single look at her .
Now she is completely bold thoroughly bold enough 'cause of the only accidents of her childhood days now she can handle evey situations of her life without giving up even once.

"Meeraaaa........"called out grandma.

"Yes ,grandma" she replied.

"Come here " (grandma)

"Little bit busy"(Meera)

"Lazy child ,what are doing at all "
grandma came from the kitchen with the cooking spoon with a face of anger and even with naughty affection towards her grand daughter.And she holded Meera's
ear .
"No grandma leave me leave me "

"Come here you naughty girl ,how many times I called you to have your food"

"Leave me grandma I am not hungry "

She kissed her grandma with a close hugg
and ran away.

"Oh!too rubbish too too rubbish as like as the photo copy of her childhood"

Grandma went to the kitchen by murmuring it & also with a affectionated smile by shaking her head little left and right which meant she was enjoying her granddaughter's naughtiness.
And finally it was the day of her PG results. Meera was little bit excited and was nervous too to check her results and took her computer for checking the results.
When she reach the sight she closed her eyes and made her fingers crossed then slightly opened her eyes then looked over the computer.

"Oh! No.........No................Oh!No............."

Screamed aloud.

"What happened child ,what happened"

Grandma ran from the kitchen.

"Is that every thing ok !"

Called grandpa.

"Yes ! Yes ,I made it I made it ....Yes! Yes......."

She was little bit crazy that movement with her extreme happiness.

"I made it ...I made it ....."

She called out it for a while with some dancing steps.

Her grandparents were laughing at her so long by seeing all such childish behaviour
of their granddaughter.

"First rank or second "asked grandpa.

"Yeah! it's the first , I made it .... I made it...."

"You just stop it " grandma told.

"Let her enjoy her victory"Told grandpa.

But Meera was much crazy without listening to anything else.And was singing
loudly and dancing like a foolish monkey.

"Hahaha......... "

"Hahaha........"grandparents were laughing at all these .

"Hahaha .......


That house thus got ranged up with all of there sounds that ever could no one find before in their life .

"Let my baby always be like this "

"Yes , let her smile always rings well around this world"

Whispered the grandparents each other .
And said on their hearts.

"God bless you my child ,God bless you"

"Stay blessed forever ...stay blessed..."

That blessings of her grandparents covered her over and over was surrounded by her .Then suddenly an awesome cool wind blowed around the house .And the birds were listening sharply on the sound which echoes from the heaven that,

"Stay blessed forever stay blessed"

It was repeated echoes that ,

"Stay blessed forever stay blessed"
© Aami