

Story Behind Lines (Introverted Best Friend)
A story Behind the Lines of Treasure
Disclaimer: this is about what inspired my poem "Treasure"

People often say that two extroverts are likely to become good friends. They just find each other and they can talk to each other all day.
Another thing that people say is that introverts like myself are adopted into the friend group by our extroverted friends. That is true.... They would approach us and take us in and keep the conversations going. They say those kind of people are the glue to friendships. Without them, introverts would sit at a table in awkward silence, unable to maintain a friendship.

All my life I lived by this narrative. That is until I met her. Code name: Treasure.

"Who is that girl? Does she ever laugh?" one of the church moms asked. Although Treasure has been around almost as long as I can remember, no one really knew her. Maybe it was because everyone else had their attention on her brothers who were a lot more naughty or maybe it was because she was the "mysterious quiet girl."

So to me, she was just as much of mystery. Even when we started hanging out with mutual friends and eventually became part of the same friend group, I wasn't sure who she was. Because when all of our other friends left, and it was just us, we sat in awkward silence. Little did I know that this silence would be louder than any conversation we had.

It started with nothing... then, came the stolen glances towards each other and the soft smiles we gave. We were similar in countless ways. She became the corner I ran to recharge my social battery, my comfort zone. To me, she was a treasure of infinite value. What we had was a friendship so rare everyone thought it was impossible

People often say that two extroverts are likely to become good friends. They just find each other and they can talk to each other all day.
Another thing that people say is that introverts like myself are adopted into the friend group by our extroverted friends. But what people didn't know is that deep in our own worlds, we introverts find each other and bond over a language only we understand perfectly.... silence.

© Grace Powetry