

Love Remain Forever 💞
The car speed through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic ,I was rushing from office to home,I wanted to tell him how much I used to love him and wanted to accept his proposal of marriage ..
I bought flowers and cake from near by shop...for him I was driving so fast that even my car wanted to tell me slow down but without considering it I was rashly driving....
I tried to call him but due to low battery mobile was switched off😡.
He was waiting for me in Lawns Garden I need to rush there....it started raining heavily....thunders started stroking I need to tell him how much he means to me...will I be able to meet him it's already late...is he trying to call me...what he will be thinking my thoughts were running in a speed of my car... tears started coming out 😭 I wanna tell him...I love him so much from the day he came to my life I started loving you so much but I was afraid to tell him..so I never told him...but now I wanted to tell him...
At last I reached Lawns Garden on the table I found a letter on which it was written ,"He waited for me for years just to hear me say I love him,but If I am not interested he will not trouble me anymore...he will never contact me anymore.....he will always be my friend...🥺
I was speechless by reading his letter. I went home that day at night I tried calling him but he was rejecting my call.I decided tomorrow I will meet him and tell him what I feel for him...
Next day I went to his office he was not there after enquiry got to know he was hospitalized with tears in my eyes I rush to the hospital 💔 my heart started beating fast will I never able to share my feelings with him....As soon as I reached I saw him taking the last breath to see me....he hand over in my hand a letter stating how much he cared and loved me...
I lost him Forever..but his love always last forever 😫