

Whether they stay or not, I don't care

i have closed the door for everyone I don't care about how important I am to them I don't care. Yes, I feel satisfied with myself that I am not required to continue in a failed relationship and I started calling everyone by name . I removed their descriptions, which I thought would make me feel this way towards them, but they do not deserve it. He loves me, he must remember me at all times and at every moment, for example.. It is now seven o'clock exactly. Hello, it is now seven o'clock and a minute. The feeling is the same with or without them. Nothing has changed for me. That is why I decided that whoever does not remember you, even in a moment, I must never remember him forever.
Not that I'm a bad person but I can't lie to them, I don't like them anymore

🌻 Huromi🌻
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