

Love is the key
I love begin a feminist and I'm proud of myself. Love is the key to all the elements without love no life exists. The purest love is the mothers love I have realised this purest love when I'm in my adulthood the love for us children from our parents is unchangeable though how may persons we meet or we enter with new relations etc.
Once when I was doing my schooling I was a jovial person who does not even care about anything I was enjoying my life with lots of friends. At that point of time my friends was my first priority and I wished life would be better if friends become family and family becomes friends. I thought life would be awesome with that thought in my mind. I had a policy not to mingle always stay single and young.
After my schooling I felt little bored suddenly I was in a deep thought I wished to have a partner like normal girls I had a dream of my soul mate and I decided to search my spark. As days passed by I choose my soul . To be Frank I was little bit not comfortable a million of question was running on my mind whether the decision I have taken is right or wrong etc. But he understood my situation and clearly explained me what was running on my mind I gazed at him for a moment and I suddenly trusted him with all heart and mind. At that time my subconscious confirmed me that he is your soul mate. I was on cloud nine.
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As I was a pampered child in my house I was little bit nervous and disturbed of my future what will happen? What mama and papa would say about my relationship? Will they accept it or not? Was running on my mind. I believe the power of the omnipotent will change my fear and he will provide me with what I desire. I always kept my wish in prayer. As days passed by we started our conversation between us. My spark was my huge support. He took away my fearness and made me bold. Our relationship started on June 2nd but unfortunately my family came to know about our relationship within a month I never ever expected this. My sparks accommodation is just opposite to my house iwas happy about it. I can see him whenever I want and I always stay close to each other since our accommodation is nearby. One day as I was returning from my college with my friend at 3:30pm suddenly my spark appeared.

© soul of Heart