

The Punishment. Heaven or Hell? Part 2
The unpleasant, the cruel, the heartless man— Malkit. Yes, he was a devil!

But, just as his behaviour, and mentality, not at his face. He just knew how to break people and make money by crimes. He showered with money everyday, thus was a big business man. One day, he was reading newspaper and saw that there was a business man who died. The businessman owned a vast area plot, and he was making a huge building there. But as he died the building's work did not got over. Malkit was very happy, cause the plot's prize was very less. He thought to buy it and complete the building's work.

After some days.......

He (Malkit) now owned that plot. He used to stay happily. But, one day, his one of the worker saw and listened him talking to a police man. They were talking something suspicious. Malkit told the policeman that "I killed that businessman, to get this plot in low prize." The policeman got shocked. He (police) told "What! You killed the business man. That means it wasn't a sucide. You are under arrest!" Malkit was holding a small suitcase in his hands. He (Malkit) opened it. The suitcase was loaded with money. The police man understood that what he was trying to do. Malkit said "Here are ₹50 lakhs, take it and..." the police man interrupted in between. "No need to say anything, I understood". The police man took the suitcase. Malkit give a smile. By mistakenly the worker droped a helmet which was kept in the table. Luckily, Malkit saw the worker's back. The worker ran away. One night, all the workers were sleeping then a creepy voice came. By the noise the worker—who heard the conversation between Malkit and the policeman, got up. He told "Who's there?" Then suddenly someone threw a blanket on his face from the back. Some people came and took him. The people picked out the blanket from his face. The worker saw Malkit in front of him. Malkit told "You listened my conversation, right? So first I would like to to cut your ears. And then, your eyes, and last but not the least, I will cut your mouth! And one more thing, I've chosen 13th floor to kill you because 13 is an unlucky number" Malkit told his bodyguard to kill the worker. The worker was yelling for help. The poor worker and the heartless Malkit.

One night.....

Malkit visited the building to see wheather the work is going good or not. He went to the 13th floor. He moved to a house. As he was going the lights got off. He shouted at the watchman "Turn on the lights! Foolish" Then he remembered that the watchman was not there when he went inside the building. Suddenly the light came. He went to the washroom of that house to check the tiling. As he went, suddenly the tap got open. He was not scared, because he didn't believe in ghosts and all. Then as he turned, he saw that someone was singing and the shower was on. For a moment he got froze. And suddenly the person stopped singing. As he went towards the washroom, somebody groaned very badly. He turned and saw a creepy man who was covered with blood 😖, his one of the eyes was hanging. He got scared, and ran very fastly to the elevator. As he switched to ground floor, the elevator got out of control, the elevator fell down and Malkit DIED! A demon came and took his soul to THE HELL!😈

Malkit's soul got burned up in fire! He always get's beaten by the King Of Hell (KOH)

This is because, when he was alive did horrible things!

© Sweet wonder