

The meaning of Yoga is to join or unite . As per Hindu dharm Yoga is performed early in history of India .

Lord Supreme God Bhagwan Vishnu performs yoga and since ancient time many famous and intelligent saints and influencer perform yoga to keep their mind calm .

Their are many scriptures are present in that their is so many painting were present in that it's clearly shown that they were performing yoga since ancient time our ancestors perform yoga why we not because of this reason they were calm and there was a friendly relationship with man and Nature .

Due to development human being forget about their cultural things and dont practice yoga nowadays only few people practice yoga beacause they forget the meaning of Yoga . But I think we should tell them about yoga so that there life will disease free .

Yoga manages stress which is very important nowadays I think there is no one who is not tensed yoga help to calm your mind and it will give you peace and power to take right decision .

Due to my opinion every student should practice yoga show that there concentration power get increased and will be more focused in their studies and there so many students who are depressed and sad in that it will help a lot they get energy and feel fresh so that there will be no negative thoughts in their mind

Yoga also help patients of arthritis and heart , back pain it will give relief from pain and cure it

Nowadays we are forgetting our culture and others are accepting

Yoga is cure and mediation of inner peace
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