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As turbulence changes and grief takes place the spot most I indured with was love better yet in invention and since I was here why not you know... what ?fuck it, huh? shifting never revolves to anything..

My mind's spinning"... what the fuck do you mean spinning ,huh? lois ?".I mean spinning, like not with you, Clark.. ugh?" The moment I woke up this morning clark was in the middle of something now he still is..And no different from ever, as it was ,I was not the only one who new it..

Clark was really irrational... For one he evolved every thing around him ,and didnt really miss a shot at anything. And second, his invites were so impossible that he'd never finish anything. I loved Clark don't get me wrong, but when I needed him he was always there..Mysteriously though are involvement was so stupid ,So To Say.. And that's as many as there were. But we would still and always remain at that immensely same inevitable spot, just the reasonable going and coming.
Day 1
The reversal on earth's strirational quotis stro ,was so different that we as one. Could not only change are embodied relationship with the things w've begotten ,but also inhabit it. S....per..mans ego was not only the best we had, but also the most weirdest.. "Believe me Clark.. there's no way you can get a picture of that guy"..I know lois shut up.."As I revolve my mind takes shape ,a blitzing oblivious sign takes place,
my minds a rushing image...
What do you have, huh, Clark. "..look I swear I can get a picture of that guy.."No! you can't that guys not even close .." And ,thinking again maybe so but as the delivered said it's just a shot at it, huh?..and not a determinating one for one ,and as a pre organized spot i was not that socializing maybe pre exposed or inderterminatly i wasnt doing it,And if the shot wasnt close enough then i guess remembering his ignoramousnezz would get it ..remembering that ... and said still here i was .Whether it was irrational or not .Matter fact making a predetermined expose' wasn't going to get it done...."a..nd if you like taking pictures louis you could do it, your ,..damn, self .And better sure please ,do !".. The determining ignoramus only off said, or offly.. said ,that we were ment ..and, not to be....but, sworn. And our own in efficiency was or, not , the descripitory part. That was we were used, to ,...headed or not !We knew better but as lorraine ,said",.. our apprenticeship is not only logitudal ,but ,bewildering"...and I liked ,that. Not only as a super servicing gift but a praizing hand on it .To determine more would of only, said,".. as a chaotic source we were in need of a gloriusness, and.. in the the end. That chaoticness would not only kill you.. but maybe take degrees that we could not insure ...pre innovate or describe....Thinking more highly ,though,.. maybe he could get an worthy picture of that guy ..." and I knew it ." But advice to those who wonder .We are eventually the ending to that little sort of abnoxiousness... grief ,and ...death. But as bewildering as that was a contemptible place was still in advocation ...the best part to sow you up. Remorse on the other hand would take you know where...but the smithering hopelessness of apocalypsy..

© Ronald R Woods Jr I'm African American 2021 355-xx-3423