

A Special Night
Looking at the stairs, it felt like a dreamland. Those red balloons, which played a major role within us, were dangling like dandelions. As I strode through the stairs, a fresh air brushed my face. The strings of balloons slightly touched my hand, and suddenly I could see all those moments when those red balloons brought us close, in front of my eyes.
As I reached the door, a strong smell reached my nose and I took a look at our room. It was looking something straight out of a fairy tale. Simply, mesmerising. All those balloons, floating by the roof, scented candles, lighting up the room with romanticism, all the curtains closed... And... And.... There was my muse, clad in a yellow saree, standing behind the curtains, with her hair flying open. Am I dreaming again? Are all these happening in real?
She came into the room and extended her hand towards me. As I took her hand, I could see a tiny pint of pink hue gushing over her cheeks. I could read all those words, her hazel nuts eyes were speaking to my honey brown orbs. All I wanted was to run my fingers over her delicate cheeks, on their own accord. Her eyes were saying exactly the same thing I wanted to hear. She took my hand, placed it on her waist and hugged me tightly. Her hold in my embrace tightened as we heavily breathed mingling into the deepest intimacy.
Her head being at my chest, I could smell the strawberry essence of her hair which did something unexplainable to my heart. All I wanted was to capture the sweet nectar resting on her lips. But then, something unexpected happened... She unlocked herself from me and went away. After a long wait of, maybe, a few seconds, she came inside with a small stool, kept it in front of me and stood on it. Letting her lips linger on my skin, she lightly pecked on my forehead. I don't know what a man is supposed to feel at that moment. But the impatient Abir inside me went mad. Enough of this hide and seek, Angry Chorni.
I lifted her up in my arms. Her twinkling orbs were screaming out loud to make her feel loved all over again. As I put her in the bed, she curled up shyly. Lightly, I took her face and turned it towards me. That's when I realised, I could never get enough of her beauty. Her elegant yet sensuous smile made me go entirely off my tracks.
Slowly, I start removing her bare minimum accessories. She felt shy yet went on evoking the wild beast in me. And all that wild beast could do was, gently say I LOVE YOU in her ears. You were wrong, Mishti. Your Abir can go wild and yet be sensitive at a time. With the madness and storm inside us, we interlocked each other into the tightest intimacy with the purest love inside...
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