

A River's Mistake.
INTRO: mentioned in my last quote. _____________________________
STORY:There was a River of beautiful scenery near the "Norro city".there were many trees and plants of different colours around the river.it had become a picnic hub for the people because of its attractive sides.

when the migrating birds migrated from seaside to the Norro City, they did come to the River.they told to the River about their sea-side journey and more about the Sea....how much bigger is the Sea than it and how is its behavior with them.they all the time praised the Sea to the River.the River was in jealous to the Sea.it was very proud upon his beauty.it thaught the sea a pool of salt water.

Now,it is starting summer season. A season of migrating birds coming to "Norro City"from sea-side.. many birds of different spieces were coming in the shape of Caravans in the "Norro City"and they were praising the Sea to the River day and night.The River told to all the migrated birds, being annoyed:

"Ooh foolish birds!....Don't
praise the Sea to me.which
quality is not in myself that's
in the Sea.........you say ,Sea
is very bigger and huge,so,
listen!...... I'm bigger too.
I only stretched myself.if you
don't trust me , I'llshow you. tomorrow's morning."

on the morning,all the birds gathered to see that River is really bigger.they told to the River to make real yesterday's challenge.

River stared spreading it's water with respect to the land length.it analyzed suddenly, it's water is decreasing with respect to the land length.it was because soul was absorbing its water in itself.afterall, soil absorbed its all the water and River vanished to the eye in few seconds then, an old bird told to the vanished River:

"Ooh bad luck River....you should not have compared yourself to the Sea.you both were unique in your qualities but you destroyed you being comparable to the Sea."

comment me,how was the story.i read all the comments.....
my philosophy,
Hamza Ali.

© my philosophy.