

You have to hate someone,
even if you don't want to.
Sometimes, it's the only way you can move on.
Even if it hurts.
Even if it goes against your every desire.

People let you down.
And you have to let them go.
Sometimes it feels good.
Almost rejuvenating.
Often times you can feel...free.

People hate you.
Even if it's not your fault.
Even if it doesn't make sense.
Sometimes, they just need someone to blame.
Even if it destroys you inside.
Even if it might not be what they really feel.

Things go wrong.
People destroy themselves.
They lie, cheat, and steal.
And genuinely believe the world hates them.
And sometimes it does.
And there is nothing we can do.

We have to sit with our mistakes.
Our regrets.
Our guilt.
And try to find the light inside.
Instead of succumbing to the dark.

People don't accept you.
They ridicule you.
They don't understand how unhappy you are.
They don't understand how much it hurts.
Or maybe they do, and choose not to feel again.

There is one person.
Whom you've bitten and scratched.
Whom you've loved and kissed.
Who loves you...for you.
Who calls you darling.
Who calls you his.
Who sees the light as well as the dark.
Who admits every shadow.
Every scar.
Every wound.
He kisses each and every one of them,
and suddenly...
It doesn't hurt anymore.

life is amazing.