

After the asgaurdians came every problems has been over Devil and friends are enjoying their summer vacation as all the problems has been over at the time EARTH was very safe from all aliens .
And during the vacation we were planning a space trip on devil ship . AND all of us viswha, harinish , and other 3 are preparing and packing our things , our suits and our wanted materials .

AFTER 3 DAYS....................
We were packed and got peremission from all the comunityes and were were are time of launch and it was counting
and 1......... it has been launched . at 2 miniutes we reached the top layer of earth. It was fully blue with shining stars . And it was very beautiful and we are going to the space for first time . and we have a enough fuel to go around the all the planets . So first we crossed mars,jupiter , saturn,uranaus and all . At the end we saw some black perls like structue which shining very brightly we are shocked and we connected to our scientists to know about they told we dont know about it but we will check about and say and told us to hold our position . we waited their was 4.5 hours .After that the pearls are started to shake lightly . we looked that suddenly two weires came from that and catched our ship and it pull our ship towards it our system has been down we canot contact any one . That time akashaya and viswha went out of the ship and shooted the perl like structure . suddenly a hole has been created our ship has been abosorbed by it . SUDDENLY we entered a new space and our connects we back and we contacted our scientists and they tld we can heare you but we can not track you . And in the system it showed that the tracking system has been damaged . That time a crumble of sound came from our back we turned our space ship and it was a legendry
spaceship with more troops and armies . WE are snozed at looking at it time many small space ship came out from that and stated attacking us we were going very fast as furious
neitraa told that we are going to die faster .
We also shotte many spaceship but we have only less armo because we came for atrip only . That time a small space ship has came from a long distance we saw that .That time we has been shoted by an ship we loosed our control . and the small ship came faster and destroyed all the enemy ship and we are shocked how can it possible that time a portal has been opened at our friend we went inside it and we falls on a mysteries plannet like earth ......................
WE CAME OUT OF THE SPACE SHIP IT WAS A CRASH LANDING .And that the plannet has pure oxygen with more trees .
That time a small space ship came which protected us we tooked our wepons and ready to handle it and the spaceship has landed and two persons came from that an 40 year man and a trained black shadow warrior . AND we asked how are you both . The man who was 40 year old said that I AM ZENUS THE [ WARDEVIL] KING OF REDHOU . And iam the father of you abhishek .
I WAS SHOCKED and laughed loudly as much i can . He told dont laugh in a calm voice . Yes it is truth before 1.2 million years i had a son who named john and he has more skills and after me he should the war devil and our plannet redhou has an enemy named CERVIX . During the war between redhou an cervix MY SON JOHN HAS BEEN KILLED BY HIM MYSTERIOUSLY BY USING SOME TRICKS . After that we tries to bring him alive but we cant so we had made a plan to born him alive on a good plannet . which has no problems so for that 150 warriors for his team sacrifies their live for him . AND it created an energy ball with more powers and i ordered it that when an vortex is born in any part of the world the energy ball should be on them . AS i orderd the energy ball has chosen you at your time of birth . I can not belive it and i asked then my parents how are their in Earth are whom and ZENUS told that they are our birth parents and iam your power giving parents according to my way you are the prince of REDHOU and teh gaurdian of EARTH ....................................................... AFTER THAT i said that ok know what i want to do i asked he told know i will take u all to REDHOU and from their you can go to arth and we went to REDHOU and it was so beautiful and he introduced and he showed the queen marina and told that is your mother . ... After few hours we went back to earth with KING ZENUS , AND QUEEN MARINA and they explained everything to every governments and also to my real parents and with bye they went and also told me when ever you like to come to REDHOU you think of me and your are always welcomed and they went .............................


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