

Poetry gat me high
Story writing drew me nigh
they made me sigh
my lip was fuckin dry
and i understood their plies
they never want me die
they want us together lie
writing pulled off my tie
Poetry rubbed her fingers on my thigh
Oh... oh my???
I couldn't even say " Kai.....!!!"

Poetry kisses me hard
I felt like I had ran mad
writing never wants me sad
so she measures my heart within her yard
swears, this ain't dad
I felt it was another glamorous grad
poetry seems to be very glad
she seems to be happy being with her new brand
her new and puerile husband
these romance spree was getting me mad
and the two adults even never considered me a lad

The duo removed my shirt
my dress was drenched in my sweat
they grabbed me closer and these seems a threat
poetry wiggles her waist and scrubs her hand on my chest
I felt some inner feelings within my crest
writing doesn't even want me rest
she wants me to have an intercourse with her and be the best
I never had these naughty thoughts at first
until poetry brought my fears to distraught
my vapid innocence seems to be naught
Poetry is a bad b**ch, she's goddamn hot
she stood up and got three shots
and she then changed the reggae to foxtrot

Poetry removes her panties
she removed her bookish bra and revealed her fleshy booty
I know imma get someone horny
buh he who has a mind witty
is gotta understand this post ain't filthy
writing continued her romance spree on me.

Poetry brought out my manhood
she smiled and said " this is gotta make me feel good"
I never been in such 5EXUAL mood
now writing was being crude
she told me if I married her and poetry, my table will lack no food
I had no choice that to accept em in my hood

After our 5EXual intercourse that night
the duo slept on my chest overnight
we expected a morning so bright
I exceptionally was already flying like a kite
as slowly drift in daylight
when I woke up, the next morning it was such an awful sight
I couldn't believe what's up in my sight
as every of the word promised me went right
I swore never to engage in a fight
with poetry and ability to write..

© Abimbola TML