

sea of blood
Chapter 6
The battle at cross

As we cross the mountins, streams, and cretures unknown to man. Following the map that the voice gave Jeny. Once we came close to the entrance of the portal captain Jack and I felt like something is watching us and it wasn't just a imagination that was scaring us. the creature came out from behind and started to attack us this was not an ordinary monster this monster standard 10 feet tall had razer sharpe teeth and claws with an skull for an head and a skellonton for a body. As we fought and fought Mike got an idea how to kill the monster so he askes Jeny "Do we have any books?" Jenny answered "I might" then checks for any books and then found one and gave it to Mike. Mike throws it in it's mamouth like mouth and explode inside of the monster then died. We all celebrated then we started to figure out how to activate the portal then Mike remembered that the voice said "thus whom is a worried can activate it." Mike take a blade out of Jany's bag and puts it on the rock and the portal then was active captain Jack went through first. Mike looked at Jeny and asked " Will I see you again?" Jeny answered "perhaps we will." Mike and Jenny both went though. Mike and captain Jack were in the sea for a while and then a ship called titans came and picked them both up and brought them both home. Mike went to check in with his wife when she opened the door Olivia burst up with tears in happyness and huged Mike for an hour and kissed him. 10 years later Mike and captain Jack were having a party then out of nowhere they see a fimilyer face. It was Jeny a good friend of the captain Jack and Mike. captain Jack asked Jenny "Would you like to fall in love with an sea dog?" Jenny responded "yes." Captain Jack, Mike, and Jeny would never forget about that adventure in hell place as long as they all should live.

"The end"